13 Things Your Tongue Is Trying to Tell You About Your Health

Your tongue can tell a lot about your health. There’s a whole method of health diagnosis based on how the tongue looks: its form, size, texture, and color. Bright Side publishes this simple graphic that will help to identify health problems according to tongue color. It’s better to examine your tongue in the morning in […]

Chinese Medicine 24 hour Circadian clock

5-7am – Wake up, Move Bowels, Meditate 7-9am – Sex, Breakfast, Walk, Digest 9-11am – Work, Best concentration 11-1pm- Eat main meal of day, Walk 1-3pm – Absorb food, Short nap, Work 3-5pm – Work or Study 5-7pm – Exercise, Light dinner 7-9pm – Light reading, massage feet 9-11pm – Calm Socializing, Flirting, Sex 11-1am […]

Get Your Energy Back: Unlocking the Secret of Your Body’s Clock

TCM believes ‘qi’ flows through energy channels within our body in a 24 hour cycle. When ‘qi’ flows through a specific meridian/ organ, it takes about 2 hours to vitalize and strengthen the organ. To maintain wellness, it is best to arrange activities following our body cycle. 11pm to 1am (gall bladder): Sleep and regenerate. […]

70% Full Principle – Keep Fit the TCM way

Dated as far back as 500 years ago, doctor Lau in the ancient Ming dynasty provided evidence of benefits of eating only 70% full in each meal. This is particularly important to observe this rule in dinners. When a person is in frequent full state, his stomach and spleen overwork. The malfunction of these two […]

Balance Your Emotions, Heal Your Body: TCM’s Guide to Organ Health

How Emotions Affect Major 5 Organs In TCM, the major 5 organs form a close system that stores and produces energy and ‘qi’. Extreme emotions can negatively impact these organs. Emotion: Elation Corresponding organ: Heart Extreme elation can cause exhaustion of ‘qi’, which can result in reduction of attention, dizziness, palpitations, and difficulty in falling […]