Cleanse Your Silent Organ: 7 Useful Acupressure Points For Liver Detox

The liver is known as the “silent organ” because it has few nerves. It is the primary filtering system in the body that converts toxins from the blood into waste. In some cases, however, the liver can stop working correctly due to a build-up of fat in the liver cells, inflammation, or even fibrosis in […]

How To Use An Acupuncture Pen For Spinal Stenosis

In my time studying acupuncture and acupressure, I have come across many individuals suffering from spinal stenosis: a condition where the spinal canal, usually at the lower back, narrows and puts pressure on the surrounding nerves and spinal cord. Spinal stenosis is a painful and often limiting condition. However, the good news is that you […]

How To Heal A Pinched Nerve With An Acupuncture Pen

Have you ever had a pinched nerve? If so, you know how painful it can be. For myself, nothing has worked better to relieve the pain associated with a pinched nerve than my acupuncture pen. So today we will be looking at how you can heal a pinched nerve with an acupuncture pen. What Causes […]

5 Pressure Points For Thigh Pain

Our thighs are packed with nerves, muscles, and tendons because they facilitate much of the body’s movement. Having been a distance runner, rock climber, and having worked a desk job meant that my thighs were almost constantly exhausted. I wondered how to soothe thigh pain for years as it impeded my athletics and caused a […]

9 Potent Acupressure Points For Lower Back Pain That Save My Day

Lower back pain is something that millions of people, myself included, suffer from around the world. I personally experience low back pain after many activities: sitting too long, standing too long, walking too far, etc. It’s chronic pain that I’ve suffered from for since I can remember. I’ve played many sports in my life such […]