Best 3 Acupressure Points For Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is considered an epidemic health condition that has considerably increased in the past two decades worldwide. It’s estimated that the incidence rate from 1997 to 2017 alone increased by 31% and continues to go up. The syndrome diagnosis from Traditional Chinese Medicine for this health condition may vary, but there are some acupressure […]

Top 5 Acupressure Points For Heart Attack

Our bodies are known to possess various pressure points scattered all over. While some are not sensitive, others are powerful enough to improve health conditions. In Ancient Chinese medicine, there were dedicated sections where pressure points were addressed in detail and passed down to generations. For the sake of this article, we will be focusing […]

Acupressure For The Heart: Everything You Need To Know

You can use acupressure for the heart to manage arrhythmias, chest pains and palpitations, and as a preventative measure for more serious problems such as pericardial effusion (fluid around the heart), clogged arteries, or congestive heart failure. Performing acupressure for the heart daily will reduce stress and anxiety, lower your blood pressure, and improve cardiovascular […]

Top 5 Acupressure Points For Heart Valves Related Diseases

Heart valves related diseases are very common and relatively serious. There are several types of heart valve diseases including: – Mithral valve prolapse – Aortic stenosis – Pulmonary valve stenosis – Tricuspid valve stenosis – Endocarditis – Rheumatic heart valve disease There are many symptoms of heart valve diseases, but some of the most common […]

Top 2 Acupressure Points For Congestive Heart Failure

At present days in the West, it’s known that congestive heart failure is a cardiovascular disease that affects a big portion of the population, causing the death of thousands of people every year. What not many people know is that they can use acupressure points for congestive heart failure, which can significantly improve their cardiac […]

The Pressure Point On Thumb For Heart Attack

Are you wondering about trying a pressure point on the thumb for a heart attack? I did, I never thought I would read about Chinese medicine, but I only started looking into it when I felt a weird pain in my middle finger. Also, I tried applying firm pressure to it, but nothing helped. I […]

Best 3 Acupressure Points For Heart Arrhythmia That You Need To Know

Cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular or erratic heartbeat. An arrhythmia occurs when the electrical impulses that regulate the heartbeat are not functioning correctly. The heart rhythm may be too fast (ventricular tachycardia / supraventricular tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia), or erratic and irregular (atrial fibrillation). The most common arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation (AF), an irregular and […]

Top 5 Acupressure Points For Fluid Around The Heart

The pericardium is a thin and layered sac that surrounds and protects the heart. Between the layers of the pericardium, a small amount of pericardial fluid helps the heart slide more easily within the sac. Sometimes, however, an abnormal accumulation of fluid forms between the layers of the pericardium and around the heart. Known as […]

The Only Acupressure Points For The Heart On Your Feet That You Need To Know

The heart is the essential muscle in the human body, and it is crucial to maintain heart health to live long and healthy lives. If the heart isn’t receiving the care it needs, serious issues can occur that can potentially have lifelong adverse effects. In addition to frequent exercise and a well-rounded diet, acupressure is […]

Acupressure Points For Heart Blockage

Globally, heart disease is the leading cause of death. A whole-foods diet, holistic medicine, and an active lifestyle are all good for heart health, but for an extra “oomph”, think about adding acupressure to your healthcare regimen. Manipulating acupressure points for heart blockage has been shown to reduce the risk of a heart attack, coronary […]

Acupressure For Heart Failure

Recent statistics show that nearly 5 million Americans, of all ages, are currently living with congestive heart failure and various other cardiovascular diseases. For those living with heart failure, mental stress is a common phenomenon largely contributed to managing the disease. Mental stress and anger have shown to worsen the symptoms of heart failure and […]

Acupressure For Heart Health

The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the circulatory system, delivering a continual supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body while carrying carbon dioxide and metabolic waste to the lungs. Cardiovascular diseases (i.e., those relating to the heart) are the number one cause of death globally, accounting for almost one-third of […]