I initially purchased an electronic acupuncture pen to alleviate general aches and pains and help with symptoms of anxiety. However, every day the pen surprises me with a new function.
For instance, did you know that electronic acupuncture pens are good for multiple sclerosis?
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic neurological disorder that affects around 2 million people worldwide.
It induces symptoms such as muscle weakness, numbness, vision problems, impaired balance and coordination, bowel and bladder dysfunction, fatigue, and depression.
Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating condition that requires multiple different treatments, including physical therapy.
However, an electronic acupuncture pen can work as an alternative therapy alongside such treatments to alleviate symptoms and make the day-to-day lives of patients easier.
Want to learn more? Check out this ultimate guide on whether electronic acupuncture pens are good for multiple sclerosis.
Efficacy Of Acupuncture For Multiple Sclerosis
You’re likely wondering, what evidence is there to support the notion that electronic acupuncture pens are good for multiple sclerosis?
Through clinical trials and studies, acupuncture is thought to provide relief from many of the symptoms associated with MS, such as pain, spasticity, numbness, tingling, depression, and bladder issues.
Take a look here to learn more.
However, there is no evidence that acupuncture can help to reduce the frequency of MS exacerbations or slow the progression of the condition.
Acupuncture simply works to alleviate the symptoms of the condition, rather than act as a preventative treatment.
Whilst there is little evidence regarding the efficacy of acupuncture pens for multiple sclerosis, the effectiveness of traditional acupuncture treatment is definitely positive.
In fact, with electronic acupuncture pens, there is far less risk to the patient.
This is because electronic acupuncture pens use electric pulses rather than acupuncture needles.
In traditional acupuncture treatment, hygiene is a concern and there is a higher risk to the body. With a pen, there is far less risk involved.
As such, if you are struggling with the symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis, an electronic acupuncture pen might be a good investment.
However, before treating yourself, always discuss your ideas with a medical professional first.
If you’re not convinced that electronic acupuncture pens are good for multiple sclerosis yet, take a look at this article titled Do Acupuncture Pens Work.
You’ll be an electronic acupuncture pen enthusiast in no time!
Acupuncture Points For Multiple Sclerosis
When using an electronic acupuncture pen, you should focus on specific acupuncture points. The points you should focus on will completely depend on the symptoms that you are trying to alleviate.
To get you started, I’ve listed 3 acupuncture points that are useful for Multiple Sclerosis symptoms below.
It is also important to remember that, because patients with multiple sclerosis often have poor lower limb activity and stiff muscles and bones, so it is recommended to massage the acupoints daily.
Look here for a more detailed explanation of How To Use An Acupuncture Pen.
Acupoint: Bl-40 (Other Names: Urinary Bladder-40/Wei Zhong/Middle of the Crook)
This point – (known as Weizhong, which translates to the lateral end of the crease) is an important point belonging to the bladder meridian. It can be found at the midpoint of the popliteal crease of the knee, in the depression between the tendons of the biceps femoris and semitendinosus.
It is beneficial to various diseases of the back and legs. It is a good acupressure point to target pelvic pain.
If pelvic pain is a concern for you, take a look at this article about acupressure points for pelvic pain.
Acupoint: Bl-57 (Other Names: Urinary Bladder-57/Cheng Shan/Support the Mountain)
This point is one of many acupressure points in the leg and is known as chengshan, which translates to mountain support. You can find the acupoint at the calf’s tip when you straighten the calf or raise the heel.
Stimulating this acupoint is effective in helping to relieve fatigue and pain in the lower back and legs and relaxing muscles.
Acupoint: GB-34 (Other Names: Gallbladder-34/Yang Ling Quan/Yang Mound Spring)
This is a ‘gallbladder’ point that can be used to help peripheral neuropathy. It is known as ‘yanglingquan’, which translates to yang mound spring. You can find the acupoint at the outer part of the calf, in the depression anterior and inferior to the fibular head
This is a very versatile acupressure point that is likely to be very helpful for multiple sclerosis patients experiencing chronic pain.
Take a look here to learn more about acupressure points for peripheral neuropathy.
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