Weight loss and Spleen in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Role of Spleen in Traditional Chinese Medicine The Spleen dominates digestion and helps with bowel movements Spleen is responsible for the transportation of the food and the water we digest. If the Spleen is weak or dysfunction occurs, it will affect certain areas of the digestive system including the Stomach, Small Intestines and Large […]


Detox baths do an incredible job when it comes to making you feel and look great. They help revitalize tired feet and if you’re someone that is constantly wearing sandals, flip flops, or even walking around with bare feet, performing foot detox baths once in a while is highly recommended. Detox baths are incredible for […]

13 Things Your Tongue Is Trying to Tell You About Your Health

Your tongue can tell a lot about your health. There’s a whole method of health diagnosis based on how the tongue looks: its form, size, texture, and color. Bright Side publishes this simple graphic that will help to identify health problems according to tongue color. It’s better to examine your tongue in the morning in […]

Chinese Medicine 24 hour Circadian clock

5-7am – Wake up, Move Bowels, Meditate 7-9am – Sex, Breakfast, Walk, Digest 9-11am – Work, Best concentration 11-1pm- Eat main meal of day, Walk 1-3pm – Absorb food, Short nap, Work 3-5pm – Work or Study 5-7pm – Exercise, Light dinner 7-9pm – Light reading, massage feet 9-11pm – Calm Socializing, Flirting, Sex 11-1am […]

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