Acupuncture For Patellar Tendonitis: Does It Work?

Knee pain can range from being a nuisance to being completely debilitating. Some sources of knee pain, like patellar tendonitis, tend to worsen over time if they are not treated. The challenge here is finding treatment options that fit your physical, financial, and accessibility needs. Acupuncture for patellar tendonitis is a simple solution that can […]

Learn To Use An Acupuncture Pen For Tingling Thighs

Tingling sensations can be incredibly distracting. I mean, how are you supposed to just go about your day when you’ve got tingling sensations in your body that you just can’t ignore? Well, thankfully, there are a number of potential treatments out there. But this article is going to concentrate on one method in particular – […]

5 Pressure Points For Thigh Pain

Our thighs are packed with nerves, muscles, and tendons because they facilitate much of the body’s movement. Having been a distance runner, rock climber, and having worked a desk job meant that my thighs were almost constantly exhausted. I wondered how to soothe thigh pain for years as it impeded my athletics and caused a […]

5 Acupressure Points For Leg Cramps With Immediate Result

Have you ever had a leg cramp? Maybe you were running and your thigh seized up. Or maybe you were awoken in the middle of the night with a cramp in your calf or foot. Regardless, leg cramps are an extremely common annoyance. Today we are breaking down the best acupressure points for cramps, specifically […]

5 Best Acupressure Points For Leg Pain Relief That Anyone Should Know

Suffering from leg pain can greatly diminish anyone’s quality of life. Whether it’s due to muscle spasms or muscle tension or something else entirely, acupressure for leg pain is worth exploring. Although more research is needed, some studies have already shown the efficacy of acupressure. This list discusses five of the best acupressure points for […]