How Can I Help My Baby Turn Naturally? 3 Great Acupressure Points For Breech Baby

A breech baby is a condition that would make it difficult for you to give birth naturally because the baby is positioned feet or bottom first in the uterus. Most medical doctors can’t place an accurate cause of this condition, but in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a pregnancy is mostly breech because of qi stagnation […]

The 9 Acupressure Points That Start Labor And Helped My Delivery

What Acupressure Points Induce Labor? Acupressure points to start labor can be a game-changer for those navigating the complex journey of childbirth. This transformative experience, filled with many emotions and sensations, often comes with its own challenges, such as labor pains. These acupressure points offer a viable solution for those who prefer a natural alternative […]