The Ultimate Guide To Acupressure Points For Brain Injury

Acquired brain injuries can happen in the course of one’s life, and the conditions that can cause them vary. Brain damage is a matter of big concern worldwide because it causes neurological problems that can affect cognitive, sensorial, and motor functions and disabilities that last for life. The therapy with acupressure points for brain injury […]

Difficulty speaking? Try 6 Acupressure Points for Speech Development

A speech disorder is when an infant or an adult has problems producing speech sounds. People with delayed speech development may hesitate or even stutter while trying to talk. There isn’t a medical explanation for the occurrence of speech impairments. In TCM, speech disorders can be caused either by a congenital weak constitution,  blocked Qi, […]

Acupuncture For Female Pattern Baldness. Everything You Need To Know

Losing hair as a woman is one of the scariest things that can happen. Since hair is a strong trace that is involved with female identity and self-esteem, problems involving the loss of hair are a concern for women in both developed and developing countries. The use of acupuncture for female pattern baldness is shown […]