Acupuncture For Tendonitis: Everything You Need To Know
In simple terms, tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons—the connective tissues between the muscles and the bones. The condition can cause joint pain and tenderness, stiffness, and impaired mobility around the joint. Tendonitis can affect any of the tendons, including those in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and hands. In fact, many common injuries often […]
Acupuncture For Bicep Tendonitis: Everything You Need To Know
Tendons are powerful, but they often get forgotten and neglected until they are damaged. Once you hurt a tendon, it is hard to ignore the impacts it has on daily life, and this is especially true for bicep tendonitis. The inflammation of this specific tendon can make lifting, overhead activity, and even simple movements severely […]
How To Use Acupressure For Ulnar Nerve Pain
Ulnar nerve pain can make life quite uncomfortable. If you feel tingling, numbness, or even burning in the forearm, this could be a sign of ulnar nerve damage. This article sheds light on acupressure for ulnar nerve pain and how you can better cope with the condition. Can Acupuncture Help Ulnar Nerve Damage? While it’s […]
4 Acupressure Points For Swollen Glands
Parts of our bodies may get swollen for one reason or the other, but when you notice swellings around your head, neck, armpit, or groin region, it’s time to get worried. Swellings in any of these regions could be a case of swollen lymph nodes, and there is no identified cure for this except by […]
13 Acupressure Points For Shoulder And Arm Pain I Absolutely Love
I’ve been dealing with shoulder pain for a while. I think it has something to do with the way I sleep. I sleep on my side with my arm tucked under my head. When I wake up, I’m incredibly stiff. However, after using these acupressure points for shoulder and arm pain, my shoulder feels much […]