How do I Get Rid of Phlegm? Try Acupuncture Points For Phlegm

Phlegm is the manifestation of pathologic Humidity in the organism. This syndrome from Chinese medicine corresponds to what in Western medicine is associated with deficiencies in the gut microbiome and to the so-called leaky gut. Traditional Chinese medicine clinical treatment for such health conditions involves the stimulation of specific acupuncture points for Phlegm that can […]

Stuffiness No More: Try Acupressure For Stuffy Nose

Stuffy noses or nasal congestion is not a new phenomenon. It can be very uncomfortable when experienced as it makes breathing difficult. It occurs mostly as a result of inflammation or irritation to the nasal tissues caused by either the common cold or the flu. In traditional Chinese medicine, a stuffy nose is known as […]

Acupressure For Diarrhea: A Way To Stop It Naturally

Diarrhea is more than a mere inconvenience—it can signal underlying health issues or imbalances within the body. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), diarrhea often stems from a deficiency in the spleen, which is responsible for distributing water and nutrients throughout the body. The good news? Acupressure for diarrhea offers a natural and effective way […]

Acupuncture For Brain Aneurysm: How To Treat It Effectively And Naturally

A brain aneurysm is a health disorder that mostly affects people after the age of 40 but can affect young people and children too. The main symptom of a ruptured brain aneurysm is a sudden and severe headache that can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, stiffness in the neck, seizures, blackouts, and heavy eyelids. Acupuncture […]

Acupressure For Stomach Pain In Children: An Effective And Natural Solution

Stomach pain is a common problem for parents who have toddlers and children at home. Things like diet, changes in routine, medications, and stress can cause blockage and pain in the stomach of children. In traditional Chinese medicine, stomach pain can be either caused by excessive eating, poisonous food, or insufficient Qi in the digestive […]

The Ultimate Guide To Acupressure Points For Brain Injury

Acquired brain injuries can happen in the course of one’s life, and the conditions that can cause them vary. Brain damage is a matter of big concern worldwide because it causes neurological problems that can affect cognitive, sensorial, and motor functions and disabilities that last for life. The therapy with acupressure points for brain injury […]

6 Pressure Points To Stop Eye Twitching In Its Tracks

In recent years, with the use of computers and mobile phones growing day by day, eye twitches and ocular spasms have become more common. If left untreated, the condition can spread from the eyes to the facial muscles, seriously impacting the patient’s work and daily life. Eye twitches usually begin in adulthood, but the causes […]

The Advanced Guide to Acupressure Points For Brain Stimulation

Did you know you can improve the function of your brain through acupuncture? The brain is referred to in Chinese medicine classical texts as “the sea of marrow”, and there are some acupressure points for brain stimulation that can tap directly into it. It’s well known among scientific researchers that acupuncture treatment stimulates the production […]

The Powerful 5 Acupuncture Points For Flu

The flu is a contagious illness caused by the influenza virus, and it primarily affects the respiratory system. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the flu is linked to overall physical health with a close relation to kidney health. Kidney health is thought to decline in the winter as the cold can decrease its function and allow […]

Best 12 Acupressure Points For Gastritis You Can Use At Home

Acupressure for Gastritis: A Guide to Relief at Home One of the most uncomfortable stomach problems you can have in this life is gastritis. It comes with the intense pain of a stomach ulcer and the great discomfort of indigestion. No one looks forward to having gastritis, but at some point in the lives of […]