Acupuncture For Patellar Tendonitis: Does It Work?
Knee pain can range from being a nuisance to being completely debilitating. Some sources of knee pain, like patellar tendonitis, tend to worsen over time if they are not treated. The challenge here is finding treatment options that fit your physical, financial, and accessibility needs. Acupuncture for patellar tendonitis is a simple solution that can […]
Acupuncture For Tendonitis: Everything You Need To Know
In simple terms, tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons—the connective tissues between the muscles and the bones. The condition can cause joint pain and tenderness, stiffness, and impaired mobility around the joint. Tendonitis can affect any of the tendons, including those in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and hands. In fact, many common injuries often […]
Acupuncture For Tendonitis In The Hand
As you get older, it’s not unusual to experience finger pain, arthritis, or swelling in the joints. Other conditions, such as tenosynovitis or tendonitis, can affect anyone who engages in frequent and repetitive movements of the muscles of their hands. Repetitive hand movements, such as typing on the computer or using a smartphone, increase friction […]
Acupuncture For Elbow Tendonitis: Everything You Need To Know
Have you ever suffered from tennis elbow? Even if you’re not a fan of the game, it’s not uncommon to experience pain or inflammation in the elbow. In fact, despite the name, tennis elbow affects up to three percent of the general population every year—many of whom have never even picked up a racquet. Any […]
Acupuncture For Peroneal Tendonitis: Everything You Need To Know
Have you ever heard of a condition called peroneal tendonitis? Well, peroneal tendonitis is no other than an irritation of the tendons on the dorsal region of the foot that affects the fibrous bands that serve to retain the tendons as well. This irritation is usually caused by specific inappropriate movements that can cause tears […]
Acupuncture For Bicep Tendonitis: Everything You Need To Know
Tendons are powerful, but they often get forgotten and neglected until they are damaged. Once you hurt a tendon, it is hard to ignore the impacts it has on daily life, and this is especially true for bicep tendonitis. The inflammation of this specific tendon can make lifting, overhead activity, and even simple movements severely […]
Acupuncture For Wrist Tendonitis: Everything You Need To Know
Wrist tendonitis may sound like a medical condition that only the old suffer, but really, it can happen to anyone who strains the muscles on their hands so much. Tendonitis hurts so bad when it happens, and it takes time to heal, but if you understand exactly what causes wrist tendonitis and know how to […]
Acupuncture for Achilles Tendonitis: What Do You Need to Know?
Exercise is important for maintaining your general health, but excessive exercise can cause injury to the Achilles tendon, the line of tissue that connects the muscles of the calf to the heel bone. Walking, running, and jumping are the foundational movements in most sports, but all of them place strain on the Achilles tendon. In […]
Acupuncture For Shoulder Tendonitis According To Experts
Shoulder tendonitis is a condition that can cause chronic pain and inflammation in the shoulder. It is often caused by repetitive motions or overuse of the shoulder joint. However, it can also be caused by an injury or infection. Chronic shoulder pain can be treated with rest, ice, anti-inflammatory medication, and acupuncture for shoulder tendonitis. […]