Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of energy through them. This helps to promote health and healing.
Acupuncture has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Today, it is widely accepted as an effective treatment for pain relief, stress management and other conditions.
The treatment is often recommended for chronic pain, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. It also relieves symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.
So if you live in Roanoke and want to try acupuncture, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we have compiled a list of the 13 best acupuncture clinics in Roanoke VA, which offer ancient treatments, herbal medicine and traditional practice.
Just take a look at the list below and see which clinic offers the best services for your medical needs…
Roanoke Community Acupuncture
- 7726 Williamson Rd, Roanoke, VA 24012
The first clinic on our list was founded in 2011 and is currently overseen by Deann Bishop and her team of licensed professionals. The clinic offers accessible treatments to the local community, which include acupuncture and acupressure.
The clinic is located on Williamson Road and is open at various times from Monday to Saturday. We recommend booking an appointment if you want a good slot.
Queenpin Family Wellness
- 708 5th St SW, Roanoke, VA 24016
This next clinic is overseen by Dr Katie Clifton, who earned her degree in acupuncture from the Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine. Since then, she has worked tirelessly to bring together a range of holistic therapies, including acupuncture and massage.
The clinic works closely with its clients and is located at 808 5th Street.
Chinese Medicine Works
- 5111 Airport Rd NW, Roanoke, VA 24012
Founded in 2004 by Dr Mari Mengarelli, this clinic offers both Western and Eastern methods to treat patients. They use acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, Chinese massage, and much more.
The clinic is located on Airport Road and remains a popular destination for holistic healing. It is open six days a week and accepts credit cards as payment. Just make sure to book ahead if you are interested in more severe treatments.
Dancing Crane Center Of Chinese Medicine
- 11 Library Square, Salem, VA 24153
The Dancing Crane Center of Chinese Medicine was founded by Greg Johnson, who wanted to educate the local community about alternative methods to treating illness. He decided to combine his love of martial arts with his knowledge of Chinese medicine.
As well as offering acupuncture, he also runs classes in Tai Chi and Qi Gong. The clinic is located in Salem VA and is open for days a week for patient consultations.
Cultivate Wellness
- 2702 Brambleton Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24015
Established by Dr Jenna Montana, this clinic has been open since 2018 and offers a range of holistic treatments to help people feel better. These include acupuncture, yoga, meditation, nutrition counseling, and more.
The clinic is based on Brambleton Avenue and is closed on weekends. Unfortunately, the clinic does not accept insurance as a form of payment.
Sheila Guarnagia Holistic Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
- 1420 3rd Street SW, Roanoke, VA 24016
This clinic was established by Sheila Guarnagia, a biologist and midwife with a passion for traditional Chinese medicine. She uses a combination of herbs and acupuncture to help patients recover from their various ailments.
The clinic was first opened in 2003 and has remained a sanctuary of holistic healing ever since.
Acupuncture Center Of Roanoke
- 1701 Grandin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA 24015
Located in Grandin, this clinic was first established by an acupuncturist called Alexander Davis, who wanted to introduce holistic medicine to the local community.
The clinic currently offers a range of services, such as acupuncture, herbal remedies and bodywork. Patients must book an appointment before seeking consultation here.
Bluebird Acupuncture Inc
- 4800 Pleasant Hill Drive Suite 203, Roanoke, VA 24018
Bluebird Acupuncture was founded by Nell Carr-Young, who uses the five-element system to treat her patients. This includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, Qi Gong, and much more.
The clinic is located on Pleasant Hill and is open four days a week. You can either book an appointment over the phone or through the clinic’s website.
Blue Ridge Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic
- 5599 Lee Hwy, Troutville, VA 24175
If you drive 20 minutes to Troutville, you will find this amazing clinic, which was founded by Deann F. Bishop. Bishop has extensive knowledge of Chinese medicine and uses this to treat ailments in the local community.
The practice offers acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage therapy, and much more. The office is located on Lee Highway and is open by appointment only.
Clear Light Acupuncture
- 4800 Pleasant Hill Drive Suite 203, Roanoke, VA 24018
Clear Light Acupuncture was founded by Dr Nelson, a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese medicine expert. His clinic is located on Pleasant Hill Drive and treats patients using acupuncture, moxibustion (burning herbs), cupping and other methods.
The clinic is open seven days a week and is open for appointments at any time.
Spine And Orthopedic Rehab Of Virginia (SORVA)
- 1310 3rd Street SW, Roanoke, VA 24016
This clinic has been a Roanoke staple since 2001, when it was first established by Paige Puckett and her team of licensed professionals. Apart from its orthopedic treatments, the clinic also offers acupuncture, chiropractic care, physiotherapy and massage.
It is located on 3rd Street and is open Monday to Friday, with staff taking lunch around 1 pm. Make sure to phone ahead, as this center can get busy.
Kehres Chiropractic Clinic
- 2155 Electric Rd, Roanoke, VA 24018
Established by Gary Kehres, this clinic has become a hub of chiropractic care, which can be used to treat back pain, neck pain, headaches, and many other health issues. The clinic also offers acupuncture, consultations, and massage.
It is located on Electric Road and is open five days a week. The clinic accepts credit cards as payment and can be reached via its website.
Draudt David DC
- 3420 Electric Rd, Roanoke, VA 24018
Founded in 1994, this clinic is home to a team of professional acupuncturists, with over 25 years of chiropractic healthcare experience and 35 years of massage and bodywork.
The clinic is located near the intersection of Electric Road and Colonial Avenue and is open four days a week. There are no walk-ins accepted, so make sure to call ahead if you need treatment.
There are many clinics offering acupuncture in Roanoke VA, but these 13 clinics have proven themselves to be some of the best in the area. They offer high quality and affordable treatments that can help alleviate your symptoms.
Most of these clinics also specialize in holistic and natural remedies, which can be used to alleviate both physical and mental conditions. So if you’re looking for a reputable clinic in the city, then we recommend checking out one of these options.
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