5 Elements Of Life

Everything in nature is made up of the 5 basic elements of life. The names for these vary between cultures and religions, but they include earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. It is said that a knowledge and understanding of these elements can help you to attain happiness, wisdom, knowledge, health, and power. 

Knowledge of these elements is vital to gain a deeper understanding of yoga. In order to attempt more advanced yoga moves, you should be in tune with the 5 elements. This is the basis of yoga therapy and Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine).

The theory of the 5 elements of life is seen in many different ancient cultures. These include Babylonian, Japanese, and Greek philosophy, and Traditional Chinese medicine. The theory is not backed up by modern science as we now know everything is made from atoms and subatomic particles rather than these 5 elements. 

While the scientific backing is no longer applicable, many people will still practice these exercises as a form of holistic healing. If you are running into difficulties in your life, or simply feel as though something is off, it may be worthwhile trying to rebalance the 5 elements in your body. The best way to do this is through yoga flows.

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Each of the elements links to a specific region of the body. Water and earth are linked to the base of your body, the entire region below your belly button. The element of fire links to your abdomen and central torso. Air and spirit take up the areas at the top of your body.

There are also more metaphysical links between the elements and the body. Water is used in the body for liquid substances such as sweat, blood, urine, vomit, saliva, and semen.

Earth is linked to all of the solid structures, like your bones, hair, skin, organs, and tissues. The element of fire is linked to sleep, thirst, and hunger.

Air is intrinsically linked to movements, such as suppression, expansion, and contraction. Finally, the spirit is responsible for emotions such as fear, attraction, and repulsion. 

It is important to be aware of this distribution, particularly when practicing yoga or meditation. This helps to keep your energy correctly balanced. As the air moves up and down in your body different areas are awakened with consciousness. 

The imbalance of these elements is believed to lead to suffering and illness. They are a fundamental part of yoga practice as that focuses on purification, health, and balance. It is the best way to restore elemental equilibrium in the body. 


Earth is commonly seen as a calming and grounding element. This is used to balance the ego and body. It is said to regulate the energy of muscles, tissues, and bones. It also plays a key role in the control of infections and inflammation. 


This element is also referred to as prana. This is the Sanskrit word for breath, vital principle,  or life force. 

This is the most powerful cleanser of the elements. You can harness the power of this element to rid your body of toxins. When you allow this element to circulate through your body it fans the fire in the body-mind connection and purifies your body. 

There are many ways to incorporate this element into your practice. One is by performing breathwork in daily life and in yoga practice. This increases your inner power and lightness and can help to balance the body. 


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Fire is also a powerfully cleansing element, used to burn up impurities in the body. It is commonly regulated through asanas – seated meditation positions. Incorporating some movement into your asana increases the grace and flow of the fire in your body. 

These movements can be used to burn out toxins from earth, water, and air. Dynamic poses like Matsyendrasana and Paschimottanasana increase the digestive fire and can lead to the removal of disease. Poses that are more static are used to stabilize and cool the digestive fire, slowing it down. 


Water, by its liquid nature, can flow and adapt to all circumstances. It is a healing energy and can bind the regions of the body together. It is used to regulate blood and other bodily fluids and has a strong association with joint pain. 


This is also referred to as the space, aether, and ethereal realms. It is an omnipresent energy. 

It is used as a container for the other 4 elements. It is the beginning and the end of them all, the origin and the final destination.

What Can Imbalances In The Elements Cause?

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As we have mentioned, imbalances in these elements in the body can lead to illness, suffering, and disease. Yoga can be used to rebalance these energies, but what are the signs of imbalances?


Imbalances in the Earth element can cause bodily weakness that can be felt all over. You may also experience weight shifts (either loss or gain), high cholesterol levels, muscular pain, and bone or joint issues. 


If your air element is unbalanced then you may be experiencing some kind of depression or nervous disorder. You may also have problems with your blood pressure. Lung issues, muscle spasms, and muscle pain can also be caused by an imbalanced air element.


Fire imbalances can present as temperature dysregulation – you might feel excessively hot or cold in normal temperature ranges. You may have a fever or chills alongside this. Mental health problems, skin issues, and diabetes can also stem from an unbalanced fire element. 


Imbalances here lead to colds and sinus problems, such as sinusitis. It can also lead you to develop asthma, blood thinning, blood clotting, or the inflammation of your glands. 


Spirit imbalances present as thyroid problems, epilepsy, and ear diseases. Throat or speech problems may also develop due to spirit dysregulation. 

Yoga Poses To Regulate The Earth Element 

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The best way to target the earth element is through balancing and grounding asanas (meditation). 

Good poses include Tadasana (mountain pose) and Vrksasana (tree pose). They are basic poses and form a good foundation for other standing poses. They will work to improve your leg muscle strength, balance, and stability. 

More advanced moves include Virabhadrasana (warrior poses), Garudasana (eagle pose), and Bakasana (crow pose). These will help to further ground you and your body. It is a good idea to perform a grounding earth Vinyasa flow to regulate your earth element. 

Yoga Poses To Regulate The Air Element 

Breathwork is a key element of good yoga practice. It helps to control the flow of prana through the body. This can help you to discover your inner power and lightness. There are a number of breathing exercises that can help you to identify where the imbalances in your body lie and to rectify these.

Sukhasana is a seated pose that will help you to become aware of your breath and allow you to connect to the air element. Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Dhanurasana (wheel pose), Ustrasana (camel pose), and Natarajasana (dancer’s pose) are all chest-opening backbend exercises believed to increase your breathing capacity. 

Yoga Poses To Regulate The Fire Element 

Dynamic asanas are required to regulate your fire element. These help to increase the fire in the body through the movement. It is a good idea to try and sweat a little from exertion when targeting the fire element.

Good asanas for this are Phalakasana (plank), Navasana (boat pose) and Adho Mukha Vrksasana (handstands). These will engage the core and challenge your strength, increasing the exertion. Ardha Matsyendrasana (seated spinal twist) and Paschimottanasana (seated forward fold) massage your internal organs and can aid with digestion.

A fire vinyasa flow is often a good idea to rebalance your elements. One such flow, with Cristi Christensen, includes the breath of fire flow. This activates energy, oxygenates the blood, and purifies your body, ridding it of toxins. 

Yoga Poses To Regulate The Water Element 

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

Yoga for the regulation of the water element tends to be a gentle and more playful flow. The flow between movements is particularly important to target the water element.

You should focus on increasing mobility in the spine, creating flexibility and space. Breathe deeply to enhance your stretches, releasing unprocessed emotions and tension. 

Good poses for this include Cat and Cow or Surya Namaskar (sun salutation). Other good poses are hip-opening asanas such as Baddha Konasana (bound angle pose), Anjenyasana (crescent lunge), Kapotasana (pigeon pose), and Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (mermaid pose).

There are many videos to guide you through a water Vinyasa flow. 

Yoga Poses To Regulate The Spirit Element 

To target the regulation of the spirit element you should try to perform throat-opening asanas. 

Good poses include Sarvangasana (shoulder stands), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge pose), Savasana, and Supta Baddha Konasana (reclined bound angle pose). 

There are a number of techniques in the practice of Pranayama, such as the oceanic breath of Ujjayi. These can bring awareness and balance to your body, mind, and breath. 

Author: P. Sze

P. Sze P. Sze is the founder of TCM Tips and Dragon Acupuncture®. She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a first-class honor in Civil Engineering. S he also holds a master’s degree in Engineering and is the brain behind the innovative TCM products of Dragon Acupuncture®. She is the author of The Beginner's Guide to Auricular Therapy: Application of Ear Seeds (ISBN 978-1520451398) and Facial Gua Sha - Fight the Signs of Aging Naturally and Inexpensively (ISBN 978-1980678922). She has dedicated her life to ensuring that the complex theories behind oriental medicine and the seemingly dangerous techniques that involve needles and fire do not scare you from trying oriental medicine. This is why she writes endlessly about acupressure and its countless health and wellness benefits.

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