Are You Feeling Tired? Try Acupuncture For Liver

Want to try acupuncture for the liver? Start with the Bl-1 acupressure point. Although it’s not directly linked to the liver, it is connected to multiple meridian pathways. It’s a magnificent option for good health and a meeting point for not one or two, but eight different meridians. Here we will take a closer look at the acupoint Bl-1, including any TCM liver meridian that can do wonders for the liver health. So, let’s get right to it.

Why Use Acupuncture?

The simple act of pressing a specific acupoint can help reset the system’s energy layers and promote a constant flow of energy: the more energy, the healthier the body. With only a minute of acupuncture therapy, you can unblock all the meridians that are connected to that acupoint.

Expert acupuncture practitioners will insert a needle on a specific spot and help the skin breathe. With each press, the brain will release more and more endorphins, also known as the happy hormones.

This kind of effect can soothe pain and promote pleasurable feelings. With consistent treatment, people will get to relax and boost blood flow. Plus, no matter the stress or tension you feel, you can restore balance to the system and feel a lot better.

Based on reports from the School of Medicine, the acupoint stimulation technique has a direct effect on the central nervous system. It stimulates healthy energy flow, removes any Qi blockages, and accelerates the natural healing process. These are all practical benefits for the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, and immune systems.

Acupoint: Bl-1 (Other Names: Urinary Bladder-1/Jing Ming/Bright Eyes)

As the energy circulates around the body, it will exit one meridian and enter into the other. All the 12 meridian pathways have their own acupoint where the energy should enter. These are what we call “entry points.”

Bl-1 is one such entry point. It’s the entry point for the bladder acupuncture channel. It directly influences the flow of energy through the meridian pathways.

This exact spot affects the pituitary and pineal glands. Because of the meridian intersection it creates, the Bl-1 can have some fantastic health benefits. Therefore, if you want to work with your liver and gallbladder meridians, the Bl-1 acupoint is a great place to start.

Where is Bl-1?

Also known as Bright Eyes or Urinary Bladder-1, Bl-1 is a popular acupoint located on the canthus just above the eye socket, between the two veins in the medial canthus of the eye. It’s easy to locate once you find the veins in the center of the crease and move your finger towards the medial canthus.

Common Uses

  • Clears heat
  • Expels wind
  • Manages exterior eye disease

You’ve probably noticed a person who has just taken off their glasses place a thumb on the inner corner of the eyes. This is a typical reflex when we are trying to soothe the exhausted eyes. But, did you know that this reaction is an innate intelligence of the human system?

That’s right; the notion of the inner eyes has a deeper and more powerful meaning than people realize. The exact spot we are trying to press reflexively is the Bl-1 acupoint.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses Bl-1 acupoint for physical eye problems. It’s primarily meant for treating tired eyes, pain, inflammation, itching, etc. But, it can also be useful for blurry vision and dizziness.

Since the eye issues are caused by an external pathogen, the acupoint can work its way into the body and influence all the channels that pass through it. It becomes an ideal source of Qi, which could have an impact effect on the energetic pathways.

According to the National Institutes of Health, the Bl-1 acupoint could help soothe the symptoms of dry eye disease. Although severe dry eye disease requires medical treatment, moderate to severe symptoms could still be treated with acupuncture.

To study the full effect of this particular acupoint, researchers evaluated 120 different patients. They were all randomly selected and divided into two groups. Group, I received an artificial tear to help curb the symptoms of dry eye disease. At the same time, Group II took acupuncture treatments three times a week for eight consecutive weeks.

The results showed that acupuncture, particularly focused on the Bl-1 acupoint, helped promote tear secretion and relieve the symptoms. Since dry eye disease reduces tear secretion and causes ocular surface damage, the acupuncture treatment can become an efficient long-term treatment strategy.

What Does Bl-1 Have to Do With Acupuncture for Liver?

The Bl-1 is a meeting point that connects multiple channels, such as:

  • Gall bladder
  • Stomach
  • Small intestine
  • Sanjiao
  • Governor
  • Yang Jiao
  • Yin Jiao

The gallbladder is the Yang, while the liver is the Yin organ. Yang is essential for storing and secreting bile. This helps the small and big intestine, spleen, and stomach function properly. On an emotional level, the gallbladder channel corresponds with better decision-making and courage. Simply put, the liver is the one making plans while the gallbladder executes them.

According to medical reports, after the liver breaks down all the harmful substances in the human body, the by-products of these substances get excreted into the blood or bile. They will then enter the intestine and leave the system in the form of feces.

For the body to be healthy, the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys must work properly. That way, the system will effectively filter out harmful substances and stay healthy. So, if you want to try acupuncture for the liver, you need to make the most of the gallbladder and liver meridian line.

How to Find the Liver and Gallbladder Acupoints?

The primary physiological function of the liver is to regulate and store blood. These conditions make it easy for the Qi to pass through. The eyes, however, are the external parameters for making sure that everything goes well.

The gallbladder will help with the digestion. When the gallbladder and liver meridian communicate, they create an interior and exterior relationship. In other words, they influence one another.

Take a look at the acupressure point for the liver and gallbladder in the graphics below.

According to acupressure experts, there are 14 different points that are directly connected to the liver meridian. They are scattered across the torso, with a couple on the legs and feet.

Body meridian system vector illustration scheme, Chinese energy acupuncture therapy diagram chart. Female body with energy paths and corresponding inner organs.

The gall bladder is different. There are exactly 44 acupoints linked to the gall bladder meridian. Most of the points can be located on the head, with a few across the torso, legs, and feet.

What Happens During Treatment?

Before you start treating any of the points, the therapist will ask about your medical history. The expert will examine the shape of the tongue, coating, and color. They will then feel the pulse and do a physical exam if necessary.

Depending on a person’s health condition, the acupuncture treatment plan will vary. To start with a session, you would lay on a comfortable treatment table. The acupuncturist will then work their way through the acupoints to stimulate the flow of energy.

They will pinch a needle in the precise spot to help patients get the desired effect. Most people say they feel a slight discomfort while the therapist is pinching the needle. But, once the needle has been inserted into the skin, the discomfort dissipates.

The acupuncturist will leave the needles in the body from 5 to 30 min—those who’ve tried the treatment claim to feel incredibly relaxed and rejuvenated.

Bl-1 Needling

To work with the Bl-1 acupoint, you would need to be an experienced acupuncture therapist. Otherwise, you risk damaging the eye and eye socket.

The needling procedure begins when a patient closes their eyes. Acupuncturists will then use the left hand to gently and carefully push the eyeball toward the lateral side. This will provide a clear working surface away from the eyeball.

Experts will use the right hand to insert the acupuncture needle at exactly 0.5-1.0 cun along the orbital wall. Once it has been inserted, the needle shouldn’t be lifted or rotated. The needling sensation will spread all over the eyeball and feel like a mild electrical sensation.

When the treatment ends, the therapist will withdraw the needle and press on the punctured side for a moment to prevent bleeding.

How Many Treatments Are Necessary?

It’s hard to tell. The number and frequency of the acupuncture sessions differ. However, many people experience massive relief immediately after the first treatment. With consecutive sessions, you can get even more favorable results.

If you are dealing with severe chronic conditions, like eye problems or liver damage, you might want to get 1 or 2 sessions a week for a few months. For those experiencing acute issues, they may need fewer visits, around 8 to 10 in total.

In case of a more serious health complication, the acupuncturist may recommend an individualized treatment plan best meant for your condition.


Each acupoint has a role to play. The Bl-1 is a multi-purpose acupoint with a range of different health benefits. But, most importantly, it’s connected to multiple meridian pathways that can be useful for improving gallbladder and liver health. With regular acupuncture treatment, you can make the most of its benefits.

Photo by from Pexels, Cam Adams on Unsplash

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Author: P. Sze

P. Sze P. Sze is the founder of TCM Tips and Dragon Acupuncture®. She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a first-class honor in Civil Engineering. S he also holds a master’s degree in Engineering and is the brain behind the innovative TCM products of Dragon Acupuncture®. She is the author of The Beginner's Guide to Auricular Therapy: Application of Ear Seeds (ISBN 978-1520451398) and Facial Gua Sha - Fight the Signs of Aging Naturally and Inexpensively (ISBN 978-1980678922). She has dedicated her life to ensuring that the complex theories behind oriental medicine and the seemingly dangerous techniques that involve needles and fire do not scare you from trying oriental medicine. This is why she writes endlessly about acupressure and its countless health and wellness benefits.

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