9 Powerful Pressure Points For Digestion That You Should Know

When seeking relief through pressure points for digestion, it’s vital to understand how acupressure, a foundational aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), can be beneficial. This technique, which involves applying targeted pressure on specific body points, can significantly improve your digestive health. For your convenience, here’s a quick reference table featuring key acupressure points, including […]

Cleanse Your Silent Organ: 7 Useful Acupressure Points For Liver Detox

The liver is known as the “silent organ” because it has few nerves. It is the primary filtering system in the body that converts toxins from the blood into waste. In some cases, however, the liver can stop working correctly due to a build-up of fat in the liver cells, inflammation, or even fibrosis in […]

What Every Parent Needs To Know About Baby Acupressure Points

Acupuncture is an efficient and gentle treatment that can treat various health issues in babies. The most common conditions that can be treated with baby acupressure points are colic, restlessness, sleep issues, pain, eczema, cough, constipation, asthma, allergies, etc. Acupuncture treatments for babies are done with minimal intervention and can be performed as early as […]

Acupressure Points For Breathing Difficulties : It’s Not As Difficult As You Think

Having breathing problems often limits people with chronic diseases and is a hassle in milder cases, to say the least. Most problems related to the respiratory system involve inflammation in the respiratory tract. In TCM, however, breathing difficulties can also be related to digestive problems, and to your diet in general. We now know also, […]

Acupuncture For Diaphragm Paralysis: All the Stats, Facts, and Data You’ll Ever Need to Know

The diaphragm is a long muscle that lies below the lungs and helps the expansion and contraction of the lungs during respiration. Diaphragm paralysis can be caused by different pathological mechanisms involving the lungs and the phrenic nerve, which innerves the diaphragm and is attached to the cervical spine. In TCM, diaphragm paralysis is given […]

Can Anxiety Cause Breathing Problems? 5 Best Acupressure Points For Shortness Of Breath

Shortness of breath is mostly caused by a disorder of the autonomic nervous system due to anxiety and stress. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that your breath becomes short or it becomes difficult to breathe when there is decreased blood flow in your respiratory muscles. Therefore, it takes stimulating the acupressure points for shortness of […]

8 Important Acupressure Points for Herniated Discs to Avoid Severe Pain

Herniated or bulging discs are a common cause of back, leg, and hip pain. The intervertebral disks serve as ligaments to hold the backbones together and as a cushion between the backbones. A herniated disc puts pressure on the spine’s nerves and muscles. If left untreated, herniated discs can cause severe nerve damage. Acupressure points […]

6 Acupressure Points For Mucus in The Throat: How To Remove Excess Mucus Naturally

Mucus helps protect the body against germs, bacteria, and other environmental pollutants present in the air. Mucus in the throat can occur as a result of an underlying health condition such as asthma, common cold, allergies, etc., or due to certain environmental factors such as dry air, low water intake, and smoking. In traditional Chinese […]

Try These 6 Easy Pressure Points For Heartburn If You Have A Burning Feeling In Your Chest

Acid reflux is usually accompanied by a symptom called “heartburn”. We must pay great attention to it because the stomach acid will form chemical corrosion on the oesophagus, leading to oesophageal damage, ulceration, or even malignant esophageal lesions. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the spleen and stomach function determine the function of the entire gastrointestinal […]

How do I Get Rid of Phlegm? Try Acupuncture Points For Phlegm

Phlegm is the manifestation of pathologic Humidity in the organism. This syndrome from Chinese medicine corresponds to what in Western medicine is associated with deficiencies in the gut microbiome and to the so-called leaky gut. Traditional Chinese medicine clinical treatment for such health conditions involves the stimulation of specific acupuncture points for Phlegm that can […]