4 Great Acupuncture Points For Concussion You Should Know

Concussions happen when you take a blow in the head or fall violently and hit your head. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is believed that when you have a concussion, blood flow in the head slows down or is stopped causing symptoms like headache, dizziness, and difficulty in concentrating. Acupuncture points for concussion help to […]

The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About Acupuncture For Post-Nasal Drip

The linings of your nose, throat, stomach, and gastrointestinal tract make around a liter of mucus daily. It might not be beautiful, but this viscous colloid serves some essential functions: moistening inhaled air to prevent organs from drying out and filtering out inhaled particles and microorganisms, including dust and other allergens, smoke, viruses, and bacteria. […]

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Using Acupuncture Points To Clear Heat

Exposure to excessive heat can cause medical conditions such as heat stroke and heat syncope. The burning heat of summer is the most common cause of heat-related illness. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pathogenic summer-heat is the major cause of heat-related illnesses. As summer progresses, the heat becomes too much for normal body function to […]

Never Forget Again! Try Acupressure Points For Memory

Acupressure points for memory are important for solving poor memory problems in traditional Chinese medicine. Memory loss, unusual forgetfulness, and poor concentration can seriously impact the quality of one’s life. Medically, memory loss, forgetfulness, cognitive impairment, dementia, amnesia, and all other memory-related problems are primarily linked to the brain. But traditional Chinese medicine recognizes memory […]

The Ultimate Guide To Acupressure Points For Brain Injury

Acquired brain injuries can happen in the course of one’s life, and the conditions that can cause them vary. Brain damage is a matter of big concern worldwide because it causes neurological problems that can affect cognitive, sensorial, and motor functions and disabilities that last for life. The therapy with acupressure points for brain injury […]

6 Pressure Points To Stop Eye Twitching In Its Tracks

In recent years, with the use of computers and mobile phones growing day by day, eye twitches and ocular spasms have become more common. If left untreated, the condition can spread from the eyes to the facial muscles, seriously impacting the patient’s work and daily life. Eye twitches usually begin in adulthood, but the causes […]

Can’t Sleep? 8 Quick Acupressure Points For Children With Cough

Soothing Cough Relief for Kids: Acupressure Points for Children’s Cough Management Seeing your child suffer from a persistent cough can be distressing, but acupressure offers a gentle way to provide relief. As a parent or caregiver, the health and comfort of your child is always a top priority, especially when they are unwell. Acupressure, rooted […]

Acupressure For Dementia: How To Prevent And Reduce The Risk

Dementia is a generic term for cognitive decline that is severe enough to impair daily activities, including language, memory, problem-solving, and mental capacities. Previous studies show that behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) affect 60% to 80% of patients with dementia. Dementia is caused by damage to or loss of nerve cells and their […]

The Advanced Guide to Acupressure Points For Brain Stimulation

Did you know you can improve the function of your brain through acupuncture? The brain is referred to in Chinese medicine classical texts as “the sea of marrow”, and there are some acupressure points for brain stimulation that can tap directly into it. It’s well known among scientific researchers that acupuncture treatment stimulates the production […]

The Advanced Guide To Acupuncture For Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in or around the brain. While not all brain tumors are malignant, even benign tumors can impact brain function if they grow large enough to press upon the brain tissues, increase pressure on the skull, cause fluid to build up within the brain, or inhibit the […]