How To Use An Acupuncture Pen For Anxiety

If like me, you have suffered from anxiety, you will know how debilitating it can be. It can not only have adverse effects on your mental wellbeing, but it can also impact your physical health.

Until I was recommended an acupuncture pen for anxiety, I had no way to deal with my symptoms or anxiety disorder.

If you are suffering from anxiety, you may feel that you have tried everything there is to try, from breathing techniques to over-the-counter medication.

It may feel like you are stuck at a dead end, not knowing what to try next or if there even is anything out there that can truly help you. It can be a very frustrating experience.

And let me tell you, I know how it feels! I also know how you can help yourself get better with the use of an acupuncture pen for anxiety.

In this article, we will walk you through how you can use an acupuncture pen to help with your anxiety and get back to the best version of you.

What Is Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as being nervous, worried, tense, or uneasy. You might also hear it referred to as “stress”. People often think of anxiety as only having negative effects on their lives. However, it can actually cause positive changes too.

For example, when you are anxious, your heart rate increases, and your blood pressure rises. These things happen because your anxiety is telling your body that you need more energy to face a certain situation.

In other words, your body is trying to protect itself by making sure that you don’t get hurt. But sometimes, these protective measures can make you feel worse than you would have without them.

There are two types of anxiety: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). GAD is characterized by excessive worry and fear. People with SAD tend to avoid social situations due to feelings of embarrassment and self-consciousness.

There are treatments available for both disorders but they require patience and commitment. One of the lesser-known treatments available if you suffer from anxiety is the use of an acupuncture pen.

Acupuncture And Anxiety

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

When you visit an acupuncturist, they will use acupressure or acupuncture needles to stimulate certain points on your body. The idea behind this practice is that stimulating certain areas of your body can change the way your brain works.

Your brain sends messages to your body through nerves. Nerves carry signals between your brain and all parts of your body. Your brain controls every part of your body. When you receive acupuncture treatment, certain acupoints are stimulated in relation to your ailment to increase blood flow to the area and improve your condition.

Stimulating these points can reduce symptoms of anxiety and allow your mind and body to heal naturally. Clinical research has shown that patients who use an acupuncture pen for anxiety experienced a significant reduction in their symptoms in comparison to other forms of treatment.

If you need a bit more convincing about the effectiveness of acupuncture pens, take a look at this article titled Do Acupuncture Pens Work. You will be convinced in no time at all!

How To Use An Acupuncture Pen For Anxiety

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, anxiety is caused by excess heat in the liver. By stimulating the liver, which controls emotions, the patient feels calmer.

Acupuncturists use special tools to locate the correct spots on the body where the energy is blocked. Once the acupressure is placed, the practitioner stimulates the nerve endings around the point using an electrical current.

This helps stimulate the release of natural chemicals in the brain that calm the nervous system. In addition, acupuncture relieves stress hormones and reduces inflammation in the body. This makes it easier to relax and focus on what’s important in life.

If you are going to give yourself treatment for anxiety using an acupuncture pen, you will need to target the right acupoints. There are a number of acupoints that can help relieve anxiety. We have listed the most popular acupoints for anxiety below.

If you have never used an acupuncture pen before, it is also necessary that you educate yourself on how they work and how to best use them for your purposes. Take a look at this article titled How To Use An Acupuncture Pen to learn more.

It is worth noting that using an acupuncture pen on any acupoints is likely to benefit your health in some way, which, in turn, may alleviate your anxiety. In fact, many people find using an acupuncture pen on the face particularly relaxing. Take a look here to learn how to use an acupuncture pen on the face.

Acupoint: HT-7 (Other Names: Heart-7/Shen Men/Spirit Gate)

Located in the middle of the palm side of the hand, HT-7 is one of the most commonly used acupoints for treating anxiety.

The acupoint is on the palmar crease of the wrist, in the radial depression of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, behind the pisiform bone.

This point is one of the heart meridian points. It is believed that this point connects the heart to the brain and regulates the mind. Stimulating this point can improve memory and concentration.

Acupoint: SP-6 (Other Names: Spleen-6/San Yin Jiao/Three Yin Intersection)


Acupoint: SP-6 (Other Names: Spleen-6/San Yin Jiao/Three Yin Intersection)
Acupoint: SP-6 (Other Names: Spleen-6/San Yin Jiao/Three Yin Intersection)

SP-6 is located at a spot that crosses the spleen, kidney, and liver channels. It is often used for many forms of acupuncture therapy, including relaxation and insomnia relief.

You can find the acupoint on the inner side of the calf, 3 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, in the depression behind the medial border of the tibia.

This acupoint can relax tension throughout the whole body, making it an effective treatment for anxiety. Acupoint SP-6  also has some amazing results for reproductive health – take a look at this article about acupressure points for blocked fallopian tubes to learn more.

Acupoint: PC-6 (Other Names: Pericardium-6/Nei Guan/Inner Pass)

Acupoint: PC-6 (Other Names: Pericardium-6/Nei Guan/Inner Pass)

PC-6 can be located on the inner forearm or behind the elbow. This acupoint mainly controls the heart and has been known to help those with motion sickness, seasickness, and panic attacks.

You can find the acupoint on the forearm, 2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmar longus and flexor carpi radialis tendons.

Acupoint PC-6 can also assist with digestion issues caused as a result of anxiety (take a look at this article about acupressure points for good digestion during menopause to learn more).

Acupoint: LI-1 (Other Names: Large Intestine-1/Shang Yang/Metal Yang)

Those who suffer from anxiety know that it can affect your intestines, causing bloating and stomach pain. Stimulating this point can reduce symptoms of abdominal pain, along with pain and tension in your neck.

You can find the acupoint on the radial side of the distal end of the index finger, just around the nail’s corner.

In fact, this is one of a few great acupressure points for neck pain in the hands. By stimulating these acupoints, patients experience less anxiety and more peace of mind.

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Author: P. Sze

P. Sze P. Sze is the founder of TCM Tips and Dragon Acupuncture®. She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a first-class honor in Civil Engineering. S he also holds a master’s degree in Engineering and is the brain behind the innovative TCM products of Dragon Acupuncture®. She is the author of The Beginner's Guide to Auricular Therapy: Application of Ear Seeds (ISBN 978-1520451398) and Facial Gua Sha - Fight the Signs of Aging Naturally and Inexpensively (ISBN 978-1980678922). She has dedicated her life to ensuring that the complex theories behind oriental medicine and the seemingly dangerous techniques that involve needles and fire do not scare you from trying oriental medicine. This is why she writes endlessly about acupressure and its countless health and wellness benefits.

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