Never Forget Again! Try Acupressure Points For Memory

Acupressure points for memory are important for solving poor memory problems in traditional Chinese medicine. Memory loss, unusual forgetfulness, and poor concentration can seriously impact the quality of one’s life. Medically, memory loss, forgetfulness, cognitive impairment, dementia, amnesia, and all other memory-related problems are primarily linked to the brain. But traditional Chinese medicine recognizes memory […]

Acupressure For A Hyperactive Child. How Does it work?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition that leads to hyperactivity and difficulty maintaining focus and concentration. This often leads to disruptive behavior in children and problems at school, with frequent physical restlessness and feelings of frustration. The standard treatments for hyperactivity involve drugs with some serious adverse side effects. In contrast, […]

Best Tip Ever: Acupuncture For Alopecia Areata

Full luscious hair is seen as a sign of youth and health, but this appearance is not easily obtainable to all. With advanced age, genetic factors, and specific conditions come hair loss or thinning. For those with an advanced form of hair loss resulting in balding areas, it is generally referred to as alopecia areata. […]

How To Boost Your Brain Health: 10 Amazing Acupuncture Points For The Brain

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, certain acupoints are connected with different regions of the brain and limbic system. Acupuncture for brain health focuses on activating these points to induce changes in the brain, modulating pain pathways, increasing cerebral blood flow and oxygenation, and perhaps even increasing angiogenesis—the creation of new blood vessels. Acupuncture creates a more […]

5 Acupressure Points For Blood Circulation In The Brain

The brain is an amazing organ; it makes us who we are and helps us complete daily tasks. Taking good care of our brain is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, but this is no easy task. When I started looking at ways to better care for my brain, I was […]