Can Anxiety Cause Breathing Problems? 5 Best Acupressure Points For Shortness Of Breath
Shortness of breath is mostly caused by a disorder of the autonomic nervous system due to anxiety and stress. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that your breath becomes short or it becomes difficult to breathe when there is decreased blood flow in your respiratory muscles. Therefore, it takes stimulating the acupressure points for shortness of […]
Never Forget Again! Try Acupressure Points For Memory
Acupressure points for memory are important for solving poor memory problems in traditional Chinese medicine. Memory loss, unusual forgetfulness, and poor concentration can seriously impact the quality of one’s life. Medically, memory loss, forgetfulness, cognitive impairment, dementia, amnesia, and all other memory-related problems are primarily linked to the brain. But traditional Chinese medicine recognizes memory […]
Acupressure For Dementia: How To Prevent And Reduce The Risk
Dementia is a generic term for cognitive decline that is severe enough to impair daily activities, including language, memory, problem-solving, and mental capacities. Previous studies show that behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) affect 60% to 80% of patients with dementia. Dementia is caused by damage to or loss of nerve cells and their […]
12 Acupressure Points For Brain Fog You Can Use When You Need To Refresh Your Mind
Acupressure is a practice similar to acupuncture, both practices stemming from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Unlike acupuncture, which requires small needles to target pressure points on the body, acupressure is a practice utilizing the fingers and hands to stimulate acupressure points. All pressure points are located along meridians in the body which allow energy, or […]
5 Key Acupressure Points For Hair Growth (Plus 2 Bonus Acupoints To Prevent Hair Loss)
Not all of us are blessed with lush hair, so those who are not blessed with lush hair supplement with hair products. This has proved successful for some but disastrous for others. You can’t trust any and every hair care product out there, but you can trust acupressure. There are certain acupressure points for hair […]