Discover the Surprising Health Benefits of These Back Massage Techniques And Pressure Points

Introduction Traditional Chinese massage therapy, such as Tui Na, follows the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It can be used to treat a wide range of ailments, as well as for prevention and health preservation. It works by improving the circulation of Qi and Xue (blood), regulating and promoting the good functioning of the […]

Best 6 Acupressure Points For Cold Hands And Feet 

Many people report having cold in their extremities, even though the rest of the body may be within the normal temperature. The reason people tend to get cold, specifically in the extremities, is that due to their distance from the heart, they can be the first parts of the body to be affected by poor […]

5 Acupressure Points For Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a daunting health condition that results in curvature in the spine, with most cases presenting mild or severe symptoms. It begins to show during a growth spurt right before puberty kicks in. Fortunately, acupressure points for scoliosis is a practice that offers plenty of benefits.  In this article, I’ve compiled a list of […]

9 Potent Acupressure Points For Lower Back Pain That Save My Day

Lower back pain is something that millions of people, myself included, suffer from around the world. I personally experience low back pain after many activities: sitting too long, standing too long, walking too far, etc. It’s chronic pain that I’ve suffered from for since I can remember. I’ve played many sports in my life such […]

5 Essential Acupressure Points For Kidney According To A TCM Practitioner

Acupressure, a practice closely related to acupuncture, is a technique from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used to cure and alleviate a plethora of ailments in the human body. Unlike acupuncture (which is a practice that places small needles strategically in pressure points on the body for relief), acupressure is a practice that uses pressure from […]