Stop Stress in Its Tracks: 5 Pressure Points on the Head to Relieve Stress and Improve Your Health

Stress causes gradual damage to the three elements of the body – qi, blood, and water – leading to the body losing its balance and becoming unhealthy. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that stress affects the Qi by disturbing its circulation and blocking the mood, and it affects blood by draining it and […]

9 Powerful Pressure Points For Digestion That You Should Know

When seeking relief through pressure points for digestion, it’s vital to understand how acupressure, a foundational aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), can be beneficial. This technique, which involves applying targeted pressure on specific body points, can significantly improve your digestive health. For your convenience, here’s a quick reference table featuring key acupressure points, including […]

Difficulty speaking? Try 6 Acupressure Points for Speech Development

A speech disorder is when an infant or an adult has problems producing speech sounds. People with delayed speech development may hesitate or even stutter while trying to talk. There isn’t a medical explanation for the occurrence of speech impairments. In TCM, speech disorders can be caused either by a congenital weak constitution,  blocked Qi, […]

5 Acupuncture Pen Points For Vertigo

Although I initially purchased an acupuncture pen to treat general aches and pains, I became obsessed with the treatment when I found out that it could also relieve the symptoms of my vertigo! To learn about acupuncture pen points for vertigo, check out our ultimate guide below.  If you’re skeptical about the effectiveness of such […]

Top 7 Acupressure Points For Stomach Inflammation

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining caused by bacterial infection, excessive alcohol use, chronic stress, or the regular use of pain relief medication such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Older adults are at higher risk of gastritis because the stomach lining tends to thin with age, leaving it susceptible to infection. Overuse of alcohol […]

Top 4 Acupressure Points For Clogged Arteries That You Need To Know

The coronary arteries are the highways to the heart, the blood vessels that envelop the entire organ, supplying the heart with the continual supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients it requires. If the major arteries become clogged or blocked, the flow of blood is restricted, reducing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart, […]

Top 5 Acupressure Points For Heart Attack

Our bodies are known to possess various pressure points scattered all over. While some are not sensitive, others are powerful enough to improve health conditions. In Ancient Chinese medicine, there were dedicated sections where pressure points were addressed in detail and passed down to generations. For the sake of this article, we will be focusing […]

Acupressure For The Heart: Everything You Need To Know

You can use acupressure for the heart to manage arrhythmias, chest pains and palpitations, and as a preventative measure for more serious problems such as pericardial effusion (fluid around the heart), clogged arteries, or congestive heart failure. Performing acupressure for the heart daily will reduce stress and anxiety, lower your blood pressure, and improve cardiovascular […]

The Benefit Of K27 Acupressure Point And How You Can Use It To Relieve Stress

Acupuncture points are able to stimulate our central nervous system in order to encourage positive biochemical shifts that can promote both emotional and physical health – and the K27 acupressure point is no exception. In this article today, I’m going to be taking a deeper look into the K27 acupressure point. Below, you’ll find a […]

6 Potent Acupressure Points For Menopause

As a woman in my early thirties, I looked forward to menopause because it spelled the end of period cramps for me. In my mid-fifties, however, I realized that menopause was not the heaven I had imagined. No one had prepared me for hot flashes, sleep problems, and mood changes that come with menopause. I […]