Learn To Use Electronic Acupuncture Pen For Stomach Cramps

Whether you suffer from period cramps or food intolerances, experiencing severe stomach cramps can quickly ruin your day. It was not that long ago that I was suffering acute pain from food intolerance that was ruining my life. That was until I started to use an electronic acupuncture pen for my stomach cramps. This post […]

Simple Acupressure For Inflammation

Inflammation is part of the body’s defense system, a natural response to infection or injury. When the immune system is activated, inflammatory cells are sent to the affected area to attack unwanted invaders, such as bacteria or viruses, and heal the damaged tissue. Each kind of inflammatory cell has a specific role in the immune […]

Top 7 Acupressure Points For Stomach Inflammation

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining caused by bacterial infection, excessive alcohol use, chronic stress, or the regular use of pain relief medication such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Older adults are at higher risk of gastritis because the stomach lining tends to thin with age, leaving it susceptible to infection. Overuse of alcohol […]

How To Use An Acupuncture Pen For Back Pain

Chronic back pain is an incredibly frustrating condition – trust me, I know! It really affects the daily lives of sufferers. However, I have recently discovered the power of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Specifically, how an acupuncture pen can work to significantly reduce my pain and distress. To learn how to use an acupuncture […]

9 Acupressure Points To Increase Estrogen

Growing up, I used to wonder why my bust was small while those of my friends were large. I almost had my breasts enlarged through surgery. Much later, I learned about estrogen and discovered that it was very much responsible for the size of my breasts. The most interesting part of my discovery was that […]

5 Acupressure Points For Psoriasis

Skin diseases are one of the most dreadful medical conditions anyone can ever have. They may not be life-threatening, but they can mar your appearance and dampen your self-confidence for life. Psoriasis is an example of a skin disease that you don’t want to ever have. Not only is it chronic, but also difficult to […]

5 Acupressure Points For Eczema According To Expert

Skin conditions can be frustrating and very difficult to treat. Atopic eczema results in itchy skin and a number of other eczema symptoms that are a burden on a daily basis. My experience with eczema seemed endless and intolerable until I discovered these acupressure points for eczema. After years of doctor appointments and medications that […]

10 Best Calming Pressure Points On Babies Any Mother Needs To Know

When I had my first baby, a boy, I couldn’t contain my happiness. It was the second-best thing to happen to me after marriage. However, after the first few months of taking care of my baby, I became frustrated. If my baby wasn’t crying, he was yawning, rubbing his eyes, or tugging his ears. He […]

Acupressure for Bloating: 10 Acupressure Points For Immediate Gas Relief (3 bonus acupoint updated)

Did you dig into a delicious family meal with such a ferocity that your stomach is now akin to that of a pregnant woman? Or is it that you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and bloating occurs so often that it’s become a part of who you are? Rest assured, I won’t tell you to […]

Learn To Use These 6 Acupressure Points For White Patches According To TCM Practitioners

If you’ve been beautiful from birth and suddenly, you begin to have scars or things that mar your beauty, you may lose your self-confidence and even spiral into depression. This was the case of a friend of mine who began to develop white patches on her face from nowhere until I introduced her to the […]