Does Acupressure Help Inflammation Of The Feet?

Inflammation is the body’s natural defense mechanism against infection or injury. The symptoms of inflammation—pain, heat, redness, and swelling—are the result of increased blood flow as the body mounts a protective response, rushing fluid, proteins, and white blood cells to the affected area. Since acupressure usually increases blood circulation, you may be wondering: how does […]

Learn To Use Acupressure For Brain Inflammation Like A Pro

Your brain is a powerhouse of activity, processing, and storing information around the clock. It’s also susceptible to a number of different inflammatory triggers that can lead to chronic feelings of malaise, fatigue, and general mental fog. Acupressure for brain inflammation can help! While inflammation affects all areas of the body, it poses a particular […]

6 Acupressure Points For Skin Inflammation

Skin inflammation, or dermatitis, is a condition characterized by redness, irritation, and pain in the skin. This type of inflammation may be caused by a number of different factors, including exposure to allergens such as chemical cleaners or pollen, nutritional imbalances, and bacteria or viral infections. While mild cases of skin inflammation may respond well […]

Learn How To Use Acupressure For Bowel Inflammation From Experts

Bowel inflammation is a condition that affects the bowel and can cause a variety of symptoms. It can be caused by different things, including infection, medication, or food intolerance. There are several holistic, non-invasive approaches to tackling bowel inflammation, one of which is acupressure treatments, so if you want to learn about acupressure for bowel […]

6 Acupressure Points For Lower Abdominal Pain

Sometimes, you might experience the most random sharp pains in the lower part of your stomach. Oddly enough, the source of the pain can result from a wide range of factors, from menstrual cramps, stress, constipation, to indigestion, to name a few. In this article, I’ve put together a list of the best acupressure points […]

Acupressure For Dizziness

Acupressure is an element of traditional Chinese medicine where pressure is applied to specific points of the body. These points are believed to correspond with the body’s meridian lines, along which your qi (vital life force energy) flows.  In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that a blockage of the qi flow can lead to […]

5 Acupressure Points For Peripheral Neuropathy

I once had a friend whose feet always felt tingly. He loved to sit a lot, so he would say his feet were tingly from sitting in a place for too long. It was until his feet became painful and he could barely walk that he found out from his doctor that he had peripheral […]

6 Acupressure Points For Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Fertility can be complicated, especially since there are so many factors involved in maintaining our reproductive health. I struggled with fertility, but the notion of hormonal treatments and surgical options were too daunting. I made the personal choice to treat my body with natural methods primarily, and in my research on alternative treatments, I stumbled […]

5 Acupressure Points For Psoriasis

Skin diseases are one of the most dreadful medical conditions anyone can ever have. They may not be life-threatening, but they can mar your appearance and dampen your self-confidence for life. Psoriasis is an example of a skin disease that you don’t want to ever have. Not only is it chronic, but also difficult to […]

The Top 6 Most Effective Acupressure Points For Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a frustrating condition that can result from any number of causes. I remember how much of my life seemed to be less enjoyable or put on hold when I was facing chronic fatigue. Daily tasks were draining, and after a number of doctors visits, I still lacked answers to this constant problem. […]