Never Heard of Auricular Medicine? Find Out How It Helps To Relieve Any Pain In Your Body

Auricular Medicine Auricular medicine has been taking the world by storm lately. It has been one of the most widely discussed medical trends across the globe, with many people praising the technique’s efficiency and capabilities to relieve pain and treat various medical conditions.  With that said, today, we’ll be providing you with everything you need […]

How These 8 Acupuncture Points Help You Quit Smoking

Smoking is an extremely complicated addiction which is difficult to get rid of. Besides your enormous willpower, you need other support to successfully quit smoking for good. You require the best tools to arm yourself with, a myriad of physical and emotional factors, and acupuncture, which can be the perfect support system to help you […]

Learn the Gua Sha technique to help with breast engorgement following child birth

Breast engorgement is a condition experienced by many breastfeeding women. This is when the breasts overfill with milk. It usually occurs in the first weeks of breastfeeding or if the mother is away from the infant for any reason. Breasts become swollen and painful, making it difficult for babies to latch. This is usually a […]

Everything you ever wanted to know about hair loss from a TCM perspective (Part 1)

The condition of our hair is a common issue presented in the clinic.  To improve the health and condition of our hair is not only for beauty and looking good, but also for the overall health of our body. Many hair related issues are due to an internal organ disorder. Therefore, if you want to […]