Navigating TCM Five Elements Weight Loss: Uncovering the Connection between the Five Elements Theory and Weight Management


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Dr. Gene Wei DOM

Dr. Gene Wei DOM, AP is a Primary Care Provider and Board Certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture Physician in the state of Florida (NCCAOM).

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Wouldn’t it be amazing to increase your energy levels without increasing your food intake? This is possible through Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its five elements theory. 

TCM is an ancient medical practice used in China for thousands of years. It uses several physical and psychological approaches to treat various health issues. For instance, TCM practitioners use acupuncture, herbal products, and tai chi to address health problems. 

The five elements theory is a framework used in TCM. According to this theory, everything in the universe comprises five elements. These elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. 

So, how can TCM and its theories help with weight loss? In this post, we’ll learn more about the TCM five elements’ weight loss mechanism from Dr. Gene Wei. Dr. Gene Wei is known for his professionalism in TCM. He is well-versed in various aspects of TCM and has a passion for healing.

The Five Elements and Their Association

According to Dr. Gin Wei, we must understand the five elements with the help of the Yin and Yang theory. Yin and Yang are any two elements that are opposites of each other. For example, if water is Yin, the sun is Yang. Similarly, we have Yin and Yang elements in our bodies too. These elements are either extremely opposite of each other or have varying degrees of differences. 

According to the five elements theory, our body also contains different organs, tissues, emotions, and more that can be classified into five elements. Plus, they have varying degrees of Yin and Yang too. This table will help you understand the five elements and the Yin and Yang theory better:

Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Yin Organs Liver Heart  Spleen Lung Kidney
Yang Organs Gallbladder Small intestine Stomach Large intestine Urinary Bladder
Emotions Anger Joy Worry Grief Fear
Sense Organs Eyes Tongue Mouth Nose Ears
Tissues Tendons Vessels Muscles Skin Bones
Colors Green Red Yellow White Blue/black
Taste Sour Bitter Sweet Pungent  Salty
Weather Windy Hot Damp Dry  Cold
Directions East South Center West North
Seasons Spring Summer Late Summer Autumn Winter

Though we all have a bit of each of the five elements, one is more dominant. This is how we determine our type, according to TCM. Here’s an overview of the five elements and their corresponding organs and bodily functions:

Wood – (Liver and Gallbladder)

The wood element regulates the liver and the gallbladder. These two organs play important roles in metabolism and weight loss. Both of these organs break down fat by releasing bile. An imbalance in these body types results in acne and allergies.

Dr. Gene Wei has treated many patients with a wood element emotional imbalance. Due to this imbalance, people do something called “emotional eating,” which results in weight gain. Dr. Gene Wei used sedation techniques on specific points related to the wood elements of such patients. After treatment, many of his patients reduced their urge to indulge in emotional eating. 

Fire – (Heart and Small Intestine)

The fire element rules the heart and the small intestine. For such body types, foods that are spicy and hotter can help improve metabolism. People with the fire element dominant in them might feel insomnia, heart palpitations, and dizziness due to imbalance.

Also, these types of people should avoid hot weather and stay hydrated. Relaxation techniques and medication help keep the fire element in balance.

Earth – (Spleen and Stomach)

The spleen and the stomach are ruled by the earth element. These organs also play an important role in digestion and weight loss. So, an imbalance in this element can cause acid reflux, bad breath, and poor digestion. 

According to TCM, aromatic herbs like cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, and star anise help relax such body types. One thing noticeable about such body types is that losing or gaining weight is more difficult because of digestive issues. 

Metal – (Lung and Large Intestine)

The metal element governs the lungs and the large intestine. These organs expel the body’s waste and are also responsible for breathing. So, if there is an imbalance, people are most likely to have asthma, chronic cough, flu, and dry skin.

For metal body types, pungent foods are more suitable. For instance, ginger, garlic, and onion are foods that keep the metal element in balance. Foods that are white or have white flesh are beneficial for metal elements. For example, almonds, apples, cauliflower, sugar, white bread, and mushrooms. 

Water – (Kidney and Urinary Bladder)

The water element regulates the kidney and urinary bladder. These organs are responsible for detoxifying the body and hydrating the cells. For these body types, water-rich foods are more beneficial. For example, fruits, vegetables, and soups keep this element in balance. 

An imbalance in the water element may cause bladder infections, backaches, and weak bones. Plus, a bit of salt and blue-black foods are helpful to keep the element in balance. 

The Five Elements and Weight Loss

Talking about the Five Elements Theory, Dr. Gene Wei says that it impacts our appetite levels. He says that in most cases, weight gain results from the wood element (liver) overacting on the earth element (spleen). According to Dr. Gene, acupuncture helps improve this issue by reducing water weight.

Dr. Gene Wei’s patients experienced noticeable weight reduction due to acupuncture. This is due to two reasons: decreased appetite and a reduction in water weight. With continued treatment, people have lost around 5 to 10 pounds in 1 to 2 months. In short, TCM can be used to treat weight loss

Types of People That Are More Prone to Weight Gain

Dr. Gene Wei says that to determine the ‘type’ of a person, we must understand the trait classifications through the 5 Elements theory. He suggests that the “Earth types” are more prone to weight gain. Now what are the “Earth types”?

According to the TCM five elements weight loss strategy, every person has a body type related to one of the five elements. For instance, those who are Earth types have more pear-shaped bodies and heavier lower bodies. On the other hand, the metal types have larger upper bodies and thinner lower bodies. Plus, the “wood” body types are mostly thinner than other body types. 

Dietary Recommendations for Different Body Types

Dr. Gene Wei suggests that, regardless of your body type, you must focus more on what foods you should eat to keep your condition in balance. For instance, if your wood element (liver) is overactive, you must avoid sour foods. 

On the other hand, if you have an underactive earth element (spleen), you should eat more energetic foods. For example, you should eat barley and squash to improve your energy levels. If you are a wood type, you should add more sour foods to your diet. In short, eating more foods that support your element type is helpful.

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Author: P. Sze

P. Sze P. Sze is the founder of TCM Tips and Dragon Acupuncture®. She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a first-class honor in Civil Engineering. S he also holds a master’s degree in Engineering and is the brain behind the innovative TCM products of Dragon Acupuncture®. She is the author of The Beginner's Guide to Auricular Therapy: Application of Ear Seeds (ISBN 978-1520451398) and Facial Gua Sha - Fight the Signs of Aging Naturally and Inexpensively (ISBN 978-1980678922). She has dedicated her life to ensuring that the complex theories behind oriental medicine and the seemingly dangerous techniques that involve needles and fire do not scare you from trying oriental medicine. This is why she writes endlessly about acupressure and its countless health and wellness benefits.

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