12 Potent Acupressure Points For Vertigo

Where Are The Pressure Points For Vertigo? Acupressure points for vertigo offer a non-intrusive and scientifically backed method for managing your symptoms. This article delves into various pressure points that can help you find relief and improve your quality of life. Among these, PC-6 stands out as a commonly used point, located between the wrist […]

8 Potent Pressure Points For Migraines Relief

Do you suffer from chronic or occasional migraine headaches? If so, what do you know about acupressure? Have you ever tried acupressure yourself? Maybe you have tried or heard of acupuncture, a more common term (and practice) that’s thrown around. While acupuncture is the use of needles to target pressure points located throughout the body, […]

9 Potent Acupressure Points To Relieve Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety is something we all suffer from (to a degree) – it can be small and almost unnoticeable or all-consuming. Anxiety attacks are one of the more severe forms and symptoms of anxiety. They can be overwhelming. Knowing you may have an anxiety attack can even increase your general anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety […]

5 Pressure Points For Tension Headaches That You Need To Know

Tension headaches happen to everyone, but they can often feel like unwelcome visitors. From dull, aching pain to pressure across the forehead, it can feel like a lifetime before they subside. For the most part, they are usually just a small nuisance and don’t occur often. However, you may have stumbled upon this article because […]

18 Proven Acupressure Points For Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

Some time ago, a friend of mine came to me complaining about pains in several parts of her body. She couldn’t sleep well at night, she was having bowel issues, and she was tired most of the time. I asked her to see a doctor and the doctor told her she had fibromyalgia. He also […]

7 Acupressure Points For Sleep Apnea That Will Improve Your Quality Of Sleep

Say Goodbye To Restless Nights And Annoying Snorting Or Snoring Restful sleep eluded me for many years, and I couldn’t understand why until I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Individuals who have sleep apnea know that it is so much more than nasal congestion. This syndrome causes you to stop breathing during your sleep, which […]

Try These 12 Acupressure Points For Depression When You Feel Down

Exploring acupressure points for depression offers a holistic and non-invasive approach to managing emotional well-being. Acupressure, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to balance energy flow and alleviate various ailments. This technique, akin to acupuncture but without the use of needles, is known for its simplicity and […]

Acupressure Points For Height Increase That May Work For Your Kids

Even before their child is born, parents often wonder about what their child will look and be like in the future. One of the most exciting traits to think about is an increase in height. For many parents, it feels like an incredible accomplishment to find that their child has grown taller than them. Taller […]

12 Acupressure Points For Brain Fog You Can Use When You Need To Refresh Your Mind

Acupressure is a practice similar to acupuncture, both practices stemming from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Unlike acupuncture, which requires small needles to target pressure points on the body, acupressure is a practice utilizing the fingers and hands to stimulate acupressure points. All pressure points are located along meridians in the body which allow energy, or […]

5 Key Acupressure Points For Hair Growth (Plus 2 Bonus Acupoints To Prevent Hair Loss)

Not all of us are blessed with lush hair, so those who are not blessed with lush hair supplement with hair products. This has proved successful for some but disastrous for others. You can’t trust any and every hair care product out there, but you can trust acupressure. There are certain acupressure points for hair […]