Sometimes, you might experience the most random sharp pains in the lower part of your stomach. Oddly enough, the source of the pain can result from a wide range of factors, from menstrual cramps, stress, constipation, to indigestion, to name a few. In this article, I’ve put together a list of the best acupressure points for lower abdominal pain so that you can rest easily at night.
Can Acupuncture Help Treat Abdominal Pain?

In a short answer, acupressure for abdominal cramps has positive results. According to oriental medicine, it is said that a healthy spleen is essential for maintaining a healthy gut. The spleen plays a pivotal part in traditional Chinese medicine as it refers to the function of our digestive system.
Unhealthy habits such as over-drinking and overeating will disrupt the spleen’s functionalities, causing chronic pain in the abdomen. For instance, dyspepsia is more than just bad digestion. A current study conducted on the effects of acupressure for functional dyspepsia found that this form of therapy had significant improvement for patients with FD.
The effects of acupressure treatment on acupoint SP-6 can help alleviate menstrual distress and abdominal pain for women with dysmenorrhea. Other studies have concluded that acupuncture points can be helpful for chronic abdominal pain such as IBS. These studies intend to improve the overall quality of life using acupressure for abdominal pain.
For Menstrual Cramps
Acupoint: SP-6 (Other Names: Spleen-6/San Yin Jiao/Three Yin Intersection)

If you experience pain in your lower stomach, it could signify menstruation. A week before your predicted menstruation, you’ll want to activate acupoint SP-6 to help offset some of the pressure. The pressure point SP-6 is the most useful when it is warmed up. Apply a warm pack to the pressure point for three to five minutes.
Not only will acupoint SP-6 help relieve chronic pain in the stomach, but it is also one of the acupressure points for good digestion during menopause and promotes blood circulation. You can find this acupoint approximately four finger-widths up from the base of your ankle.
For Constipation
Acupoint: ST-25 (Other Names: Stomach-25/Tian Shu/Celestial Pivot)
Pressure Point ST-25 is another of the best acupuncture points for abdominal pain and pelvic pain. I recommend stimulating this pressure point when you are hungry due to constipation or improving bowel habits.
Some additional benefits of this acupoint include improving blood flow, relieving headaches, and being one of the acupressure points for eczema. It can make a world of difference!
You can locate the ST-25 pressure points on either side of the belly button. Place your index fingers at the center of your belly button and drag them outwards until you feel a slight stiffness. With the pads of your fingers, gently massage the pressure points in a circular motion.
For Indigestion
Acupoint: ST-36 (Other Names: Stomach-36/Zu San Li/Leg Three Miles)

Also known as Leg Three Miles, Stomach-36 is another pressure point that helps with stomach pain. However, it is located nowhere near the stomach but rather below the kneecap. Furthermore, this pressure point is also one of the best acupressure points for psoriasis, vomiting, and asthma.
You can locate the ST-36 acupoint by making an L-shape with your fingers and placing it over your knee, with the thumb at the top. The acupoint is located where your little finger rests. Alternatively, it is located approximately four finger widths down from the base of your kneecap.
For Stomach Pain Due To Stress
Acupoint: ST-37 (Other Names: Stomach-37/Shang Ju Xu/Upper Great Void)
Often, stress is the underlying cause of several health issues, including stomach pain. The Great Upper Hollow pressure point can help gastrointestinal symptoms caused by stress. Additional benefits include treatment for muscular atrophy, acute appendicitis, and numbness.
Place both thumbs on top of each other and apply gentle pressure for three to five seconds. Repeat this process for three to five minutes at a comfortable pressure for you. It’s located four finger-widths below acupoint ST-36.
For Diarrhea
Acupoint: ST-34 (Other Names: Stomach-34/Liang Qiu/Ridge Mound)
Another one of the acupressure points for intestinal pain is acupoint ST-34. Not only is it equipped to help relieve pressure on abdominal muscles, but it is also one o the acupressure points for leg cramps. You can locate this acupoint approximately three finger-widths above the edge of your kneecap.
For Stomach Pain After Eating, Stomach Chills
Acupoint: LI-7 (Other Names: Large Intestine-7/Wen Liu/Warm Flow)
Also known as Warm Flow, acupoint LI-7 is excellent for improving the circulation of the stomach, overall alleviating stomach pain. LI-7 can also help with shoulder and back pain and swelling in the face.
You can find this acupoint about five finger-widths above the wrist on the forearm. To stimulate this acupoint, grab your arm and use your thumb to apply gentle pressure to the acupoint for three to five seconds. Repeat this process for three to five minutes for the best results.
Related Reading
Best Pressure Points for Stomach Ache Relief According to a Doctor – If you found the information on acupressure points for lower abdominal pain helpful, you might be interested in our article on the best pressure points for stomach ache relief. This article provides a more focused look at the specific pressure points that can provide relief from stomach aches, expanding on the knowledge you’ve gained from this article and offering you more practical tools to manage abdominal discomfort.

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