14 Pressure Points for Female Arousal: Boost Libido, Enhance Pleasure, and Unleash Sensual Bliss – Explore the Best Massage Points Now


Reviewed & Fact-Checked By

Ms. Mai Sogawa

Ms. Mai Sogawa is a senior therapist who graduated from Japan Medical School of Judo Acupuncture and Moxibustion International Education College.

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Where Are The Pressure Points To Increase Arousal?

Pressure points for female arousal are gateways to new levels of intimacy. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), these acupoints unlock untapped sensual potential. Our guide focuses on 14 key acupoints. These are summarized in the table below for quick reference. Dive in to elevate your libido and enrich your intimate life.

Acupoint Other Names Location Description Benefits & Effects
GV-20 Bai Hui, Hundred Convergence Top of the head Regulates blood flow, alleviates stress, enhances sexual stimulation
KD-7 Fu Liu, Returning Current Above the ankle Balances yin and yang energy, enhances blood flow
SP-6 San Yin Jiao Above the ankle Addresses women’s health issues, boosts blood flow
ST-30 Qi Chong Above the crotch Improves blood circulation, effective against reproductive system diseases
Bl-23 Shen Shu Either side of the spine Enhances erectile function, relieves menstrual irregularities
Bl-52 Zhi Shi, Willpower Room Close to Bl-23 Improves intimate life, boosts sexual vitality
Ren-6 Qi Hai, Sea of Qi Below the belly button Raises qi, prevents leakage of semen, treats abdominal disorders
Bl-40 Wei Zhong, Middle of the Crook Behind the knee Direct nerve connections with reproductive organs, ignites sexual excitement
Bl-36 Cheng Fu, Hold and Support Below the buttocks crease Strengthens contractions in the vagina, boosts sensory responses
Bl-17 Ge Shu, Diaphragm Transporter Between each shoulder blade and the spine Improves blood circulation, awakens the senses
GV-4 Ming Men, Life Gate Lower back Revitalizes sexual energy, balances sexual functions
Bl-10 Tian Zhu, Celestial Pillar Below the skull Generates an electrifying sensation, excellent prelude to intimate moments
KI-1 Yong Quan, Gushing Spring Lower third of the sole Balances body’s energy, stimulates blood circulation
SP-4 Gong Sun, Grandfather Grandson Inside edge of the foot Balances energy, stimulates circulation, directly related to reproductive function

Acupoint: GV-20 (Other Names: The Governing Vessel-20/Bai Hui/Hundred Convergence)

Welcome to the world of acupressure, where we explore the intriguing GV-20, a point that marks the zenith on your body’s sensual map. Known as Bai Hui or Hundred Convergence, this gem sits right at the top of your head, just above the posterior hairline. Imagine wearing a cozy cap, GV-20 is right at its peak, where the lines from your ears would intersect if drawn upwards.

In the acupressure landscape, GV-20 is a bustling intersection, with multiple meridians converging to form a hub of vibrant energy. It’s not just an ordinary acupressure point for female arousal; it’s a refuge that fosters body-mind unity. As noted by certified acupuncturist Ms. Mai Sogawa, GV-20 plays the role of a harmonizer, mitigating a wide range of issues, from headaches to vertigo, and even balancing conditions like uterine ptosis.

But, what crowns GV-20 as one of the best massage pressure points for arousal? Its connection to your mind. It’s like a conductor, directing the flow of active yang energy, our life’s vital force. This engagement with your brain helps regulate blood flow and alleviates stress, setting the stage for heightened sexual arousal. GV-20, therefore, is not just an acupressure point; it’s your guide to holistic sensual empowerment.

Acupoint: KD-7 (Other Names: Kidney-7/Fu Liu/Returning Current)

Unravel the mysteries of the Kidney 7 or Fu Liu, a powerful pressure point for female arousal. This hidden gem sits about 2 inches, or roughly the width of 3 fingers, above another point named Kidney 3. Imagine a dainty ankle bracelet resting comfortably above your ankle, Kidney 7 is right around that area, aligning perfectly with Kidney 3. As Ms. Mai Sogawa suggests, this acupoint links directly to your kidneys, fostering a balanced flow of yin and yang energy. Its potential to warm up the body, restore vigor, and enhance blood flow marks it as a practical and influential acupuncture point for sexuality.

Acupoint: SP-6 (Other Names: Spleen-6/San Yin Jiao/Three Yin Intersection)

Acupoint: SP-6 (Other Names: Spleen-6/San Yin Jiao/Three Yin Intersection)
Acupoint: SP-6 (Other Names: Spleen-6/San Yin Jiao/Three Yin Intersection)

Shifting our focus slightly upwards, we encounter Spleen 6 or San Yin Jiao. To locate this point, place your hand just above the highest point of your ankle, roughly four finger-widths up your leg, as if you’re reaching for a long lost treasure. But remember, this is one treasure expecting mothers should steer clear of. Ms. Sogawa points out that Spleen 6 is a pivotal junction where three meridians meet. It’s renowned for addressing a range of women’s health issues, from menstrual pain and lower body swelling to infertility. The harmonization of qi and blood that it facilitates is integral to a heightened sense of well-being and libido. SP6 and KI7, with their vital role in boosting blood flow, offer invaluable insights into the intriguing world of pressure points for female arousal.

Acupoint: ST-30 (Other Names: Stomach-30/Qi Chong/Qi Surge)

Let’s continue our exploration to a very special region, the home of ST30 or Qi Chong, an exquisite pressure point for female arousal. Picture the delicate area where your hip hinges, right above your crotch. That’s where you’ll find ST30, a point of delightful secrets waiting to be discovered.
Qi Chong is like a mystical key to unlocking profound sexual pleasure. Its magic comes from the major artery passing just above the vagina, vital for maintaining a healthy circulation that contributes to arousal. Stimulating Qi Chong while engaging in intimate eye contact can open the floodgates to an experience of profound arousal.
According to Acupuncturist Ms. Mai Sogawa, ST-30 does more than just boost arousal. It promotes blood circulation in the lower extremities, improves cold sensations, and proves effective against reproductive system and gynecological diseases such as menstrual pain and infertility.
But the magic of Qi Chong doesn’t stop there. It’s known for its soothing effects on the mind, and its sensitivity makes it even more potent. However, be gentle – this spot is soft. A gentle massage, as soft as a butterfly landing on a petal, is all you need to trigger the meridians and get your Qi flowing. So, if you’ve been searching for the best massage points to stimulate arousal and enhance pleasure, remember ST30, your gateway to a deeper, more vibrant intimate life.

Acupoint: Bl-23 (Other Names: Urinary Bladder-23/Shen Shu/Kidney Transporter)

Acupoint: Bl-23 Or Ub-23(Other Names: Urinary Bladder-23/Shen Shu/Kidney Transporter)

Next, let’s navigate to a pair of acupressure points that may seem like two birds resting on either side of your spine. These two points, Bl-23 and Bl-52, also known as the “Sea of Vitality,” are located on the same level as your belly button but on your back. To locate Bl-23, or Shen Shu, place two fingers away from the spine – it’s as if you’re searching for tiny hidden treasures on either side of your backbone. Bl-52, on the other hand, resides a few fingers away from Bl-23, like two friendly neighbors chatting across their backyards.

Acupuncturist Ms. Mai Sogawa has shed light on the wonders of Bl-23. This point is closely linked to the functions of the kidneys, which include reproductive functions. It’s like a secret door that opens up to the power hub of your body, enhancing erectile function, easing menstrual irregularities, relieving urinary incontinence, lower back pain, dizziness, and tinnitus.

Acupoint: Bl-52 (Other Names: Urinary Bladder-52/Zhi Shi/Willpower Room)

Just a little further from Bl-23, you’ll find the wonder that is Bl-52. Just like a buddy system, these two points together elevate the power of acupuncture points for female libido. The “Sea of Vitality,” as they are fondly called, can be the key to unlocking a newfound sexual vitality. Imagine these points as magic buttons that can get your partner in the mood. Regularly pressing these buttons can lead to a drastic improvement in your intimate life. Thus, these acupoints help prove that acupuncture for sex drive, when targeting the right points, can lead to the results you desire. So, in the journey of exploring the best massage pressure points, Bl-23 and Bl-52 are must-visit stops.

Acupoint: Ren-6 (Other Names: The Conception Vessel-6/Qi Hai/Sea of Qi)


Now, let’s embark on a small adventure down to a seemingly inconspicuous area, just two finger spaces below your belly button. This is the residence of Ren 6, or Qi Hai, a treasure of a pressure point for female arousal. Think of your belly button as a sensitive little button that, when treated right, can cause a ripple effect of pleasure that reaches your genitals.

Qi Hai, in Chinese, means the place where spirits gather. This couldn’t be more fitting, as explained by Acupuncturist Ms. Mai Sogawa. Ren 6 is an acupoint known for raising qi (energy) and preventing leakage of semen. Moreover, it is used to treat abdominal disorders such as irregular menstruation, irregular bleeding, vaginal discharge, urinary leakage, diarrhea, and constipation.

When you delicately massage Qi Hai, you’re creating a nurturing sense of intimacy while balancing out the flow of energy, which can bring calmness to the mind and a surge of vigor.

Increasing libido through acupuncture requires knowing the exact spot. But when it comes to a pressure massage, all you need is a loving, tender touch. Picture yourself gently swirling a feather on your skin – that’s how gentle you need to be. Regularly massaging Qi Hai can trigger arousal and lead to an intimate experience that brings newfound joy to your sensual life.

Acupoint: Bl-40 (Other Names: Urinary Bladder-40/Wei Zhong/Middle of the Crook)

Located right in the middle behind your knee, Wei Zhong, or the Bl-40, can serve as a secret pathway to enhancing libido. This point is believed to have direct nerve connections with the reproductive organs. Gently massaging this area not only alleviates tension but can also ignite sexual excitement. Imagine it as tickling the back of your knee, igniting sparks that can flutter all the way up to your belly, lifting your mood and sense of pleasure.

Acupoint: Bl-36 (Other Names: Urinary Bladder-36/Cheng Fu/Hold and Support)

Let’s talk about a surprising gem in our map of pressure points for female arousal: the Cheng Fu point. Imagine playing hide-and-seek on your body’s landscape. Look at the back of your body, where your thighs make a horizontal crease under your buttocks. Now, imagine you have a little sticker or button that you want to hide. Where do you place it? You’d place it about two fingers’ width below that crease. That’s exactly where your Cheng Fu point is tucked away.

Cheng Fu, a hidden treasure, is like a magical button that amps up your sensual experiences. This acupressure point is one of the best massage points because of its unique location in an area buzzing with sensory nerves. Think about what happens when you press a button – it triggers something, right? Well, gently massaging or applying pressure to this point does just that. It stirs up energy, helps to strengthen the contractions in your vagina, and gives a big boost to your sensory responses to sexual stimulation.

Why does Cheng Fu earn its place among our pressure points for sex? Well, in traditional Chinese medicine, experts often target Cheng Fu to tackle sexual indifference. And if it can help with that, just imagine how wonderful it can be in spicing up your sexual experiences. So if you’re looking for the pressure points to turn a woman on, don’t forget about this hidden gem. Giving it some love and attention could lead to heightened sexual receptivity and pleasure, taking your intimate moments to a whole new level.

Acupoint: Bl-17 (Other Names: Urinary Bladder-17/Ge Shu/Diaphragm Transporter)

If you’re ticklish, this might make you giggle! Run your fingers down your back from your shoulders until you find two big, bumpy bones on either side – those are your shoulder blades. Now, from the bottom of these bones, go inward until you find the long line of small bumps – that’s your spine. The Ge Shu acupressure point is found in the little dips or valleys between each shoulder blade and the spine, a bit like a secret hidey-hole. There’s one of these points on either side of your spine. Stimulating this acupressure point can ignite a sense of indescribable pleasure, improving blood circulation and awakening the senses for individuals whose sexual sensations are yet to be fully explored. Whether through finger pressure or gentle caresses, this spot can generate an exciting shiver that will give you goosebumps!

Acupoint: GV-4 (Other Names: The Governing Vessel-4/Ming Men/Life Gate)

Acupoint: GV-4 (Other Names: The Governing Vessel-4/Ming Men/Life Gate)

Ming Men, the Gate of Life, is located on the lower back, right in line with your belly button. Pressing this spot, which may feel tender, can revitalize sexual energy, balance sexual functions, and even delay aging. Consider this point like a magical switch on your lower back that, when pressed, spreads warmth and vitality throughout your body, sparking a renewed zest for intimacy.

Acupoint: Bl-10 (Other Names: Urinary Bladder-10/Tian Zhu/Celestial Pillar)

Bl-10 Urinary Bladder-10 Tian Zhu Celestial Pillar

Positioned on either side of the back of your neck, just below the skull, Tian Zhu is a magical spot to wake you up from weariness. It’s located in a slight hollow just beneath where the head starts to curve into the neck. Imagine two small dimples on each side of the spine at the back of your neck. Massaging this area can kickstart an electrifying sensation, serving as an excellent prelude to intimate moments. Picture this point as a secret whispering spot on your neck that, when touched, sends tingling messages of arousal, whispering sweet nothings into your body’s core.

Acupoint: KI-1 (Other Names: Kidney-1/Yong Quan/Gushing Spring)

Situated on the foot, specifically at the depression in the lower third of your sole, is an impressive acupressure point known as Yongquan or KD-1. It’s one of the significant pressure points for female arousal, and massaging it can balance your body’s energy and stimulate blood circulation. This acupressure point plays a direct role in reproductive function and can be your best female foot massage pressure point to increase libido. Imagine your foot as a tiny version of yourself; the top third of your foot, just like the top third of your body, represents your head and neck. Now, find the small depression, kind of like a tiny belly button, on the lower third – that’s where Yongquan is.

Acupoint: SP-4 (Other Names: Spleen-4/Gong Sun/Grandfather Grandson)

Next, we have another significant player in the field of sexual pressure points – Gongsun or SP-4. This acupressure point for female arousal is located on the inside edge of your foot, exactly where it intersects with the bone of your big toe. Visualize your foot as a map; the point where your big toe bone meets the rest of your foot is a kind of landmark – a small hollow or depression. This spot is the Gongsun point. A light massage on Gongsun can balance your energy and significantly stimulate circulation. As it is directly related to reproductive function, the Gongsun point is one of the most effective pressure points to increase arousal.

Breast Massage

Once you’ve played with all the acupoints, it’s time to do a breast massage. Before intercourse, many partners ignore the breasts and go for the “main course”. However, ignoring the breasts means you are missing out big time.

The female breasts are the key to sensual energy. They are a highly potent area and an influential source of pressure. What most people don’t realize is that the areola and the nipples are packed with sensitive nerve endings.

When stimulated, these nerve endings will immediately get the erotic energy booming. The most erogenous zone is definitely the nipples. With gentle stimulation, you can power up the body and give a surge of pleasure.

To achieve that pleasure, you would have to practice massaging the breasts. There are all sorts of options you can rely on. It’s possible to use just the hands as a core for more energy. Try to create a breast massage session, at least a short stimulation.

The way you can do that is with slight and gentle pinches. Use your fingers to apply soft pressure and brush the sensitive area. If you want to add more stimulation, you can use sex toys or anything that the woman would love to use on her breast. With long movements and enough focus, the body will get warmer and warmer. This will get the blood pumping.

That’s how one can stimulate the breasts and get their partner in the mood. Simple and effective.

How Can Pressure Points For Female Arousal Boost Libido?

Sex and stress often don’t mix well. If one is interfering with the other, it becomes almost impossible to ignite desire. Stress creates stagnant energy in the human body, which hinders its ability to enjoy sex. Utilizing acupressure points to increase libido can be a natural way to restore this balance.

By targeting these sex massage pressure points for females, you can directly stimulate Qi flow. When the meridians start to work, they improve the flow of blood and restore balance in the system. This energy is what calms the stress.

Each point is connected to a specific organ and has a range of different implications. Some are charged with alleviating health problems, while others are beneficial for improving sexual health. The effects can be achieved with pressure massage.

The idea is to apply a little bit of pressure to a specific area and promote a natural flow of energy that will solve the disharmony. The reason people have a low sex drive is that there is a massive imbalance in their body. This is the disharmony.

A lack of energy, blood flow, or stress can be the main culprits. But, if you restore balance and provide the body with the much-needed warmth and calmness, you will always be one step ahead.

How To Apply Pressure?

Acupoint pressure requires stimulation of specific spots in the human body. That’s where acupressure for sex can come in handy. According to medical experts, you will need to apply firm pressure with circular or up-and-down movements for a few minutes.

To do that, you first locate the acupoint you want to stimulate and use a finger to massage the area. During the massage, your partner should breathe deeply, relax, and enjoy the stimulation. After a few minutes, the pressure is lifted, and the effects kick in. The good thing about acupoint pressure is that the massage can be used as often or as little as you like. There is no massage limit or restrictions.

When to Avoid Using Acupressure for Female Arousal

While acupressure offers a plethora of benefits for enhancing libido and overall well-being, there are certain situations where it’s best to exercise caution or avoid it altogether. Here are some scenarios:

  • Pregnancy – Acupressure on specific points like SP-6 can induce labor. Pregnant women should consult a healthcare provider before attempting acupressure.
  • Medical Conditions – Individuals with heart conditions, high blood pressure, or other serious health issues should consult a medical professional before engaging in acupressure.
  • Open Wounds or Skin Infections – Avoid applying pressure to areas with open wounds, bruises, or skin infections to prevent complications.
  • Recent Surgery – If you’ve recently had surgery, especially in the areas where pressure points are located, it’s advisable to wait until you’re fully healed.
  • During Menstruation – Some acupoints may increase blood flow, which could exacerbate heavy menstrual bleeding. Consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
  • Lack of Training – Incorrect technique can lead to muscle strains or other injuries. It’s always best to consult a certified acupressure or acupuncture specialist for proper guidance.

By being aware of these considerations, you can make informed decisions about when to use or avoid acupressure for female arousal. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized medical advice.

Can You Use Ear Seeds to Boost Female Libido?

Ear massage is a full-proof method for boosting sexual desire. By adding a bit of pressure on specific acupoints, you can arouse your partner in no-time. It’s a simple and convenient method to engage their entire system.

Besides massage, you can also try ear seeds. Ear seeds are small seeds that target the pressure points used in acupressure. However, there’s no use of needles or pins so they’re pain-free. The ears are a microsystem. They are connected to numerous organs and stimulate the nerves. When you press the ear seed on an acupoint in the ear, it will send out a signal to the brain, which will boost the “happy hormones,” or in this case, endorphins. With hormones such as these, it becomes much easier to improve the mood and sex drive.

Even though this practice is based on ancient Chinese practices, a lot of people who’ve tried it claim they have some potent therapeutic properties.

Ear Seeds Placement for Libido

Apply ear seeds for the main acupressure points: shen men, subcortex, and external genitals to improve the desire for sex. For women who experience pain during sex, she may also want to add the points: internal genitals and endocrine.

For the subcortex point, it is a bit tricky. You may benefit from this demonstration video:


Apply the ear seeds on one ear. Massage the points occasionally for about 30 seconds each time. After 2-4 days, remove and discard the ear seeds. Then apply a fresh set of ear seeds on the other ear this time. So on and so forth for about a month to observe improvement and changes. If you are new to ear seeds, you can purchase our ear seeds kit for beginners here.


There are many creative ways to arouse your partner, and the power of sensual massage points can’t be overstated. Even if you have a hectic schedule, dedicating some time and effort into solid foreplay can make a world of difference. Certain acupoints have unique calming properties that not only prepare you and your partner for intimate action but also offer numerous health benefits.

Massaging and stimulating these sensual massage points improves blood flow throughout the body, leading to the improvement of various disorders. As Ms. Mai Sogawa explains, this practice is essential for all women. It not only provides ultimate pleasure but also contributes to a healthy mind and body in the long run.


Photo by Christiana Rivers, Carolyn V, Muhannad Ajjan, Zuščáková Bašenka on Unsplash

Author: P. Sze

P. Sze P. Sze is the founder of TCM Tips and Dragon Acupuncture®. She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a first-class honor in Civil Engineering. S he also holds a master’s degree in Engineering and is the brain behind the innovative TCM products of Dragon Acupuncture®. She is the author of The Beginner's Guide to Auricular Therapy: Application of Ear Seeds (ISBN 978-1520451398) and Facial Gua Sha - Fight the Signs of Aging Naturally and Inexpensively (ISBN 978-1980678922). She has dedicated her life to ensuring that the complex theories behind oriental medicine and the seemingly dangerous techniques that involve needles and fire do not scare you from trying oriental medicine. This is why she writes endlessly about acupressure and its countless health and wellness benefits.

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